Sunday, February 27, 2011

Your healthy living home remedies

Home remedies are  becoming popular .

Home for back pain remedies

· Eating garlic is one of the best remedies to treat back ache and all sorts of pain in the body

· Boil 8 to 10 tulsi leaves in water. Boil until the water is reduced to half of its amount. Let cool and then add a pinch of salt in it. Eat this 3 or 4  table spoons per day. It helps to relieve back pain.

· Guggul, is very effective remedy in treating and avoiding pain.

· Ice is very helpful in reducing pain and inflammation of the affected when area rubbed locally on this area.

· Lots of garlic flake is also very effective in the treatment of back pain and arthritis condition.

Headache home remedies

· Ashwagandha is highly effective in the treatment of headaches as it helps to remove the vata dosha  which is the main cause of pain in the body.

· Brahmi is another herbaceous plant which is also very effective in treating the headaches as it affects directly by releasing spasm in muscles especially in the area of the head. Brahmi is also effective to enhance memory skills.

· Commonly known as pan sheet betel leaf is highly recommended in head pain as analgesic and natural cooling.

· Sunthi powder (dried ginger) is extremely important in the treatment of headaches.

· Ajwain seeds are also very effective in the treatment of headaches.

· A towel soaked in cold water and rubbed on fore head is also very effective remedy by removing headaches.

Obesity home remedies

· Honey with the juice of lime with  hot water is very effective to reduce weight.

· Tomato consumption is also a good another remedy to reduce weight.

· Triphala is an another herbal combination that is very effective to reduce the fat in the body.

· Cabbage is also very useful in weight reduction. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in the diet.

· Two tspoon lime in the hot water is also a good remedy to reduce weight.

· Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.


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