Sunday, December 25, 2011

Staying Young and Healthy With Qigong (Chi Gong)

We all know the importance of incorporating physical activity into our daily lives, however a large percent of the population over looks this fact. When exercise or physical activity is mentioned most of us instantly have visions of running endless miles or lifting weights in the gym. There are many options out there that are considered very effective especially if you are looking to improve or maintain your health.

As middle age approaches and passes the focus of physical activity is no longer about fitting into a bikini or having the biggest bulging muscles but is instead about living a longer quality life. If this is indeed your focus you may want to look at trying Qigong (Chi Gong). This ancient Chinese practice consists of a series of body movements with the focus on breathing.

The history of Qigong is rich and has been controversial. Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system however it is also considered by many to be to a spiritual movement. Three basic classifications of Qigong have emerged which include the martial, medical, and spiritual styles. In the west however Qigong has become very popular as an exercise alternative that provides tremendous overall health benefits.

In Chinese the word Qigong (Chi Gong) breaks down into two words the first is Qi which means life energy, vital energy, or life force. The second word is Gong which means accomplishing a skill through daily or steady effort and practice. The premise is that we are all born with Chi and by using our Chi we can gain health benefits that impact us mentally, spiritually and physically. Qigong not only calms the spirit and the mind there by reducing stress but has been shown to strengthen the immune system, strengthen and improve balance and posture, increase vitality, reduce hypertension, and build overall stamina. A committed practice of Qigong also improves the function of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, and the lymphatic system, all of which are extremely important to aging well and living a better quality life.

Qigong is generally divided into two basic types "soft" Qigong (ie. Tai Chi) for the overall health of body, mind and spirit, and "hard" Qigong (ie. Martial Arts) for concentration, discipline and strength training. Many forms or styles can easily be done by all ages and physical abilities including those individuals that are physically challenged. Regardless of which type you choose Qigong is an attractive activity as it allows you to exercise right in your own home if this is desired and benefits can be achieved in as little as 20 minutes a day.

Classes are widely available if a group setting is desirable or if you wish to stay at home in a private setting many books and DVD's are available to help you get started. Remember that Qigong takes practice and commitment with the focus on proper breathing techniques, specific postures and mental focus. Incorporating Qigong into your lifestyle will bring you many added benefits that most exercise routines can not offer. Qigong will help you cultivate a positive outlook on life and help you to release negative attitudes and behaviors by bringing balance to your life by promoting harmony, stability and enjoyment.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chi and Health - The Fundamentals of Creating Vibrant Health Through Chi

Chi surrounds us everywhere we look and it affects all aspects of our health. It is the foundation for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. It is what gives power to internal martial arts. It is the basis of feng shui. It is the energy of the universe yet it is completely invisible to us.

Once you learn about chi and how it affects your life you can begin to work in harmony with it. Vitality, health and happiness become possible. First, there are a few fundamentals to understand about the concept.

Chi is Real
Chi is not some theoretical concept. It is very real. Consider a fresh corpse. Apart from chi, it's practically identical to you! It requires no belief or faith to see that something truly fundamental is missing from the corpse. It contains all of necessary ingredients for life, except for energy/function. Or in other words, it lacks the chi it needs for life.

Our Food Contains Chi
We require we require food to live because it contains chi. We won't last long without this nourishment. In Chinese Medicine this type of chi is called "gu chi". You can translate this term as "cereal energy". It goes into our stomach and gets processed into the kind of chi on which our bodies run.

We can't just eat any old thing and expect to create the same quality of chi. Why does organic food taste better than conventional food? Have you ever noticed an energetic buzz after eating raw sushi? Notice how awful you feel an hour or two after eating fast food? Hey, you are what you eat! Eating a variety of quality, fresh, whole foods is key to creating vibrant chi, and therefore vibrant health.

The Air Contains Chi
We can go days without food, but how long can you hold your breath? Obviously there's another kind of chi that is missing from our food It is a kind of chi that we require a constant, steady supply of.

This kind of chi comes from the air. In Chinese the name for it is "da chi" or "heavenly chi". That is to say, chi from the air above. As with food, the quality of our breathing can vary greatly! The trick is learning how to breathe better.

For vibrant health, take up an activity that has you focus on breathing and creating quality breath. Tai chi is an excellent choice, as is yoga (especially pranayama practice), chi gong (qigong), and other any tradition of breathwork. A few minutes a day of quality breathing can have a huge effect on your life and vitality.

Nourish Your Chi Through Lifestyle
The changes talked about in this article, quality diet and quality breathing, require some modification to your lifestyle. While I am not suggesting you become a monk, people are often resistant to change.

With that said allow me to offer a perspective that may help you stay motivated. Think about what would be possible in your life with more energy, better sleep, less pain, and fewer days sick. Close your eyes and just spend thirty or sixty seconds really creating a vivid picture in your mind of what that would look and feel like. If your resolve to keep up your healthy lifestyle should ever falter, go back and recreate this image to stay grounded on why you bother to create vibrant health.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Heal Depression With Qi Gong

When our energy is physically low, it can make us more prone to depressive thoughts.

Similarly, having depressive thoughts can stagnate the physical energy and create fatigue.

The art of qi gong or chi kung movement allows us to address both the physical and mental aspects of depression in a healthy way.

The gentle motions are ideal to perform when one is tired as they do not overtax the energy of the muscles but instead gently create a subtle circulation that infuses the body and brain with energy.

Therefore, chi kung can be a wonderful tool to awaken the motivation to exercise and embrace other healthy habits such as proper diet and meditation, tools for healing depression.

Often times, people do not realize they have fallen into depressive patterns until they start performing qi gong and realize the change and shift that comes when they engage in qi gong regularly.

Depressive patterns may include:

Low appetite or fixations on certain types of foods (e.g. self medicating with sweets or other comfort foods). Low energy. Aches and pains. Irregularities with the bowels. Weakness. Negative and/or irrational thought patterns. Generalizing statements. Instead of saying, "I am having a challenging moment," the perception becomes generalized: "My whole day is awful." Sad thoughts that are pervasive. Suicidal thoughts. Belief that some things are hopeless. Limiting thoughts--believing that things are destined to be a certain negative way. Qi gong, with its emphasis on deep breath work and mindfulness allows one to create new patterns of thoughts by redirecting the mind from negative thought patterns.

It gives the mind something to work on other than spinning on negative perceptions.

Also, chi kung movements activate special energy pathways in the body that increase circulation to the small intestine, the organ where serotonin is produced. We know that having adequate levels of serotonin is important to mental health and prevents depression.

Chi kung must performed consistently and regularly to impact depression, just as pharmaceutical drugs must be taken regularly to impact depression. So, think of it like medicine--a loving and gentle natural medicine that you perform each day to balance brain chemistry.

The beauty of qi gong is that it can be performed even by those who are weak or sluggish as movements can be modified to meet each person's unique energy level, unlike traditional yoga which requires a certain level of physical strength and range of motion to successfully perform postures.

Thus, qi gong can be a very important tool for increasing energy to help improve mental outlook and combat fatigue.


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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spring Forest Chi Gong - Can You Really Heal Yourself?

Spring Forest Chi Gong blends and synchronizes the principals behind meditation, sound, breathing and gentle movements into a powerful system, which despite it's simplicity has changed the lives of thousands of students.

With practice, this system helps you to enhance and balance the flow of your energy and connect your body, mind and spirit, as you open to universe. Spring Forest like other vibrational healing methods is based on the notion that everything in the universe is energy. This means you are an energy being and each an every cell in your body is also a form of energy.

When you use this system to meditate and breath effectively alongside simple movements you cannot fail to achieve optimal health and happiness. This is because when you energy is not in balance, it creates energy blockages, which can cause psychological or physical illnesses.

Spring Forest Chi Gong doesn't focus on the symptoms in the same way that traditional medicine does. Instead it is designed so that it returns the energy balance by removing all blockages from your system and consequently removes the root cause along with the symptoms bringing total healing.

Your body, mind, spirit and emotions are all interconnected and cannot be separated, which is why traditional medicine often falls short as it only focuses on one aspect at a time. On the other hand Spring Forest Qi Gong works on all these aspects at the same time.

There are numerous types of Qi Gong, which incidentally is pronounced Chee Gong, but Chunyi Lin developed this specific Spring Forest method after examining all the others and using the best techniques. He is a certified international master who has been teaching for over twenty-five years.

According to the master you don't need to understand the philosophy behind this method for it to work and he always explains to his students that it will work whether they believe it will or not. Once you remove energy blockages, restore your body's energy balance; a natural healing will take place as the energy flows freely though the body.

You don't need to live near the Center in Minnesota to be able to learn these techniques, as Spring Forest is an educational organization with a vision to see, "A healer in every family and a world without pain". Master Lin is co-author of the Amazon best seller, "Born a Healer" and has created four levels of distance learning materials for students.

These resources include reference manuals, guided audio meditations and videos. The best thing about Spring Forest Chi Gong is that you need no special ability, knowledge or skills and the so called "active exercise" movements can be performed whether you are sitting, standing or even lying down. You only have to relax, go along with the instructions and let the energy flow to benefit.

If you are seeking balance in your life with a greater insight and relief from depression, anxiety and stress, as well as a way to experience the power of unconditional love and better understand the way that the universe work, then you will want to learn more about this ancient Chinese healing practice, Spring Forest Chi Gong.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Depression - Uncover Effective Herbal Remedies to Make it Disappear (Part 2)

The article deals with various herbal remedies to help you with depression treatment and strengthening of your nervous system.

Infuse a tablespoon of peppermint leaves with a glass of boiling water. Continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes and leave it to brew for some time. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink half a glass of it twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. Infuse 2-4 tablespoons of herbs of poplar leaves with a liter of boiling water. Leave the tincture to brew for some time in a warm place and decant it. Add the decoction to warm bath water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Perform the procedure in the evening. Infuse several bulbs of small-flower lilies with a liter of boiling water. Leave the tincture to brew for some time in a warm place and decant it. Add the decoction to warm bath water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Perform the procedure in the evening. Infuse 1 part of granulated ginseng root with 10 parts of vodka and leave the tincture to brew for 2 weeks. You can use ginseng leaves, as well. Then the proportion should be 2:10. Take 15-25 drops of the tincture 2 times a day till lunchtime. If you suffer from insomnia, heart disease or fever, you must not use ginseng. Infuse the herb of root of Aralia mandshurica with vodka (proportion 1:5) and leave the tincture to brew for 2 weeks. Take 10-15 drops of the tincture 2 times a day. You should avoid using the tincture when suffering from fever, heart disease or insomnia. Infuse 25 grams of herbs of mistletoe tops with 100 millilitres of vodka. Leave the tincture to brew for some time. Take 30 drops of the tincture 3 times a day. Mistletoe tincture and extract are great remedies to treat epilepsy, stomach ache, uterine haemorrhage and bleeding piles, as well. Infuse 20 grams of chicory root with 200 milliliters of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for some time. Afterwards, decant it and take a tablespoon of the decoction 5-6 times a day. In addition, you can use the decoction to fight toothache. Infuse a tablespoon of granulated herbs of motherwort with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 20 minutes. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink all of it within a day. In addition, you should take 40 drops of may-lily tincture.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bee Propolis

Bees do a lot more than merely create honey intended for human use -- they create bee propolis as well as pollen.
What's propolis?
Propolis is a dark, fragile material that's mixed along with beeswax and sap resins to form the entire structure of a bee hive. Our own ancestors valued this precious gem and also pollen due to its power to heal injuries going back prior to the Civil War and some consider it can cure health conditions which range from cancer to tuberculosis. Now you understand that, let's skip the honey and proceed to what bees actually supply all of us: a cure.
Propolis Extract
Propolis extract is found in far more places than you would think. This specific natural element packs a strong punch in a micro-size amount, making this the ideal ingredient for common consumer items. Take pleasure in gum? More than likely you've been chewing on the tiny propolis at the same time.
Ladies that powder the face with cream foundations as well as slather on the lipstick will be surprised to find that bees got a little to do with producing their preferred tone of pearly pink or luscious red. This extract obtained in propolis performs as a binder and soon may even be used in dental purposes as a sealant for chipped teeth and also poor tooth enamel.
Medical Advantages
Bee propolis benefits certainly are a plenty with regards to healing purposes. Propolis is utilized by practioners to give aid in ailments like:
• Inflamatory conditions
• Viral disease
• Ulcers
• Superficial burns
What's more, is propolis tinctures, a concentrated extract of the propolis, is shown to enhance a better heart and in many cases provide a boost to the immune system. Weak cataracts have been shown to improve having everyday amounts of propolis as well.
Got a sore throat? Sore throat lozenges, specifically in the organic variety, consist of -- you've got the idea - propolis. Health conditions throughout the globe are finding comfort from using propolis extract and the number of uses continues:
• Antimicrobial: Bee propolis is a highly effective antifungal and antibacterial application that's been used for centuries in order to defend against contamination in cuts
• Emollients: Skin burns can find comfort using a concentrated cream which contains bee propolis
• Antiplaque: People suffering from plaque accumulation or other dental afflictions may use the antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities of bee extracts to be able to ward off oral plaque along with other buildup within the teeth and gums.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Apples for weight loss and good health

  "An apple a day helps keep the doctor away" is how the old proverb goes.   I'm not sure how that saying originated, but it is more true than most people know.  Unfortunately, most people treat apples like they're still the forbidden fruit that helped exile man from the Garden of Eden.   Nonetheless, eating apples can help you achieve your weight loss goals, as well as a host of other benefits.
Here are some of the health benefits of eating apples:
Weight Loss - One study found that women who ate 3 apples a day lost more weight while dieting than women who didn't (more on this in a moment). Bone Protection - Apples contain a flavanoid called phloridzin than can help prevent osteoporosis and may increase bone density.  Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones Asthma Help - One study found that asthmatic children who drank apple juice daily suffered from less wheezing than those who didn't.  As well, children born to pregnant women who ate apples have lower rates of asthma. Lower Cholesterol - Due to the pectin they contain, people who consume 2 or more apples a day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent. Alzheimer's Protection - It has been found that the quercetin in apples may protect the brain from free radical damage, which many believe lead to Alzheimer's. Lung Cancer Protection - In a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer.  Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin found in apples. Breast Cancer Prevention - A Cornell study found that rate who ate a single apple a day may reduce their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent  Rats that ate 3 apples a day reduced their risk by 39 percent! Colon Cancer Protection - Rats that were fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer.  Other research shows that pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract. Liver Cancer Prevention - Rats fed an apple skin extract had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer. Diabetes Management - The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the need of insulin and can help in the management of diabetes.
That's a pretty impressive list of health benefits from eating apples, don't you think?  But I know what you're thinking.  How can I use apples to lose weight, and get the above benefits as well?
Here's what you need to do.  Eating an apple a day is definitely good for you, but eating 3 apples a day is what will really get the job done.  Ideally you will want to eat an apple about 30 minutes before each major meal.  Not only will this help to satiate you so that you will eat less, but I suspect that it helps to prepare your body for the food that is going to follow.  Your body can then more easily absorb the nutrients it needs, and get rid of the rest.  Try this apple method and let me know how it goes.  I suspect that within 2 weeks you will agree with me that this is one of the best tips to lose weight ever.
If you are going to try this apple method to lose weight, here are some guidelines to follow:
Always eat the skin.  The insoluble fiber that your body needs to clean out your system is in the skin of the apple.  This is vital for weight loss. Consume 3 apples a day 30 minutes before every meal.  Eating the apple during the meal or afterwards will not have the same effect. If you really want to rocket your weight loss, only eat apples in the morning till noon.  Then eat an apple 30 minutes before lunch and 30 minutes before dinner.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

About Bee Propolis

Bees do a lot more than merely create honey intended for human use -- they create bee propolis as well as pollen.
What's propolis?
Propolis is a dark, fragile material that's mixed along with beeswax and sap resins to form the entire structure of a bee hive. Our own ancestors valued this precious gem and also pollen due to its power to heal injuries going back prior to the Civil War and some consider it can cure health conditions which range from cancer to tuberculosis. Now you understand that, let's skip the honey and proceed to what bees actually supply all of us: a cure.
Propolis Extract
Propolis extract is found in far more places than you would think. This specific natural element packs a strong punch in a micro-size amount, making this the ideal ingredient for common consumer items. Take pleasure in gum? More than likely you've been chewing on the tiny propolis at the same time.
Ladies that powder the face with cream foundations as well as slather on the lipstick will be surprised to find that bees got a little to do with producing their preferred tone of pearly pink or luscious red. This extract obtained in propolis performs as a binder and soon may even be used in dental purposes as a sealant for chipped teeth and also poor tooth enamel.
Medical Advantages
Bee propolis benefits certainly are a plenty with regards to healing purposes. Propolis is utilized by practioners to give aid in ailments like:
• Immflamatory conditions

• Viral disease

• Ulcers

• Superficial burns
What's more, is propolis tinctures, a concentrated extract of the propolis, is shown to enhance a better heart and in many cases provide a boost to the immune system. Weak cataracts have been shown to improve having everyday amounts of propolis as well.
Got a sore throat? Sore throat lozenges, specifically in the organic variety, consist of -- you've got the idea - propolis. Health conditions throughout the globe are finding comfort from using propolis extract and the number of uses continues:
• Antimicrobial: Bee propolis is a highly effective antifungal and antibacterial application that's been used for centuries in order to defend against contamination in cuts

• Emollients: Skin burns can find comfort using a concentrated cream which contains bee propolis

• Antiplaque: People suffering from plaque accumulation or other dental afflictions may use the antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities of bee extracts to be able to ward off oral plaque along with other buildup within the teeth and gums.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Making Your Own Tinctures

Herbal tinctures are also known as herbal extractions. They are made by using 25% alcohol and water as the mixing solution. They are generally single herbs tinctures rather than multiple compounds. Normally, if a tincture is going to be made into a compound mixture, the individual herbal tinctures are prepared separately and then the selected tinctures are blended together.

Commercial tinctures usually use ethyl alcohol; whereas, home made tinctures are mostly made from vodka. Extracts are more concentrated than tinctures in reality because in the process of making the tincture some of the alcohol is actually filtered or distilled off. Typically a tincture will be 1:10 concentration (or 10 units of extract come from 1 unit of herbs), while the fluid extract is 1:1. When an extract is made into a powdered form they are even stronger in nature as all of the solvent has been completely removed in the drying process. Some are up to 4 times as strong as the fluid extract and up to 40 times stronger than the tincture.

Before explaining the directions to make a home made tincture it is important to note that homeopathic liquid formulas are not the same as a herbal tincture. In fact the usage of each is vastly different.

A simple extraction can be made by placing approximately four ounces of a dried chopped herb or 8 ounces of a fresh herb into a quart canning jar and pouring one pint of 100 proof vodka over the herb. Close the jar and place in a warm environment, shaking the jar twice a day for about three weeks. Decant the liquid into a bowl and pour through cheesecloth straining the liquid several times to obtain a clearer extract. Pour the extract into a dark glass bottle and seal tightly in a dark location. An extraction made using these directions will keep for several years.

There are other common mediums for extracting herbal properties for therapeutic use including wine, apple cider vinegar and vegetable glycerine's. Alcohol however releases the widest variety of essential herbal elements in an unchanged form and the preferred method. Alcohol also has a long term preservative property which works well for tinctures. If alcohol is not desired, prepare with the vodka but prior to drinking place 1/30 ounce of the tincture in a glass of warm water for about 5 minutes. This will allow the alcohol to evaporate before drinking

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scientifically Tested Olive Leaf Herb Is Known To Kill Every Virus And Germ Known To Man

What is the worst case scenario for the bird flu or just how bad could it get? A question I have always wanted the answer to. Well history is always the best teacher and we have an excellent historical teacher from 1918. The answer there is the bird flu of 1918, and that teacher is foreboding. Called the aquatic bird flu that actually started in China (sound familiar) then somehow got into Kansas not Europe. Isn't that interesting? It started among US Cavalry horses then moved to American troopers assigned to those mounts, stationed in Kansas. These Cavalry soldiers were shipped to the battle fields of Europe to take part in the fighting. Some of those soldiers arrived infected with the virus. This flu circulated throughout the densely packed cities of Europe then made its way back to America and did the same there. In a little over a years time it had run its course and 40 to 50 million people were dead.

In 1918 the big cities like London had a million people. Today our mega cities have 10 plus million people and a very fast transport system. Any new bird flu virus can travel in infected people across the world in a matter of days.

Why can't modern medicine help us?

Until the bird flu virus of today mutates to its human infecting form, no scientific steps can be taken to create a serum. Only then can science develop the serum and begin to make large batches. This takes considerable amounts of time and fertile chicken eggs and there are not many around. Under optimal conditions modern science takes at least 6 months, minimum. Remember I just said above, it only takes days to move the virus across the world. So even with all the pharmaceutical companies around the world creating this serum only a small part of the world's population would be protected. I hate to make this sound worse, but the virus can also mutate into other human infecting forms and other serums must be developed.

The Herbal Solution to a Bird Flu Epidemic

You can see how bad it can get and how little modern medicine can do. There has really been little progress since 1918. So what can be done to protect yourself and your family? Here is the answer that has been around for ages. Olive leaf tincture is the answer to bird flu and all other germs and virus infections. But do not take my word for it, here is some of the history of this very powerful herb and what modern science found when they looked at it.

History of Olive Leaf as Herbal Medicine

I personally believe that God was referring to the olive tree in Ezekiel 47:12, God spoke of a tree: "The fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine."

The ancient Egyptians may have been the first to put the olive leaf to practical use. They regarded it as a symbol of heavenly power, and in keeping with that belief, they extracted its oil and used it to mummify their kings. The Egyptians and later cultures also found, and there is documentation, that the olive leaf was a great herbal medicine for the relief of fevers (sounds like viral infections to me).

The knowledge of the medicinal properties of the tree (Olea europaea) date back to the early 1800's where it was used in liquid form as a very effective treatment for malarial infections. According to the 1854 Pharmaceutical Journal of Provincial Transactions, pages 353 and 354(a), the doctors at that time stated that the properties of the tree, Olea europaea, deserved more extensive investigation.

In the early 1900's, a bitter compound was found in the leaves of certain olive trees called "Oleuropein." This compound was determined to be part of the olive tree's powerful disease resistant structure. In 1962, European researchers recorded that oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals, increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. A Dutch researcher found the chemical responsible for olive leafs healing power was elenolic acid which has strong antiviral, bacterial and antiparasitic properties.

Modern Medicine Finds That Olive Leaf is a Powerful Medicine

In the late 60's and early 70's, The Upjohn Companies' test studies were published by The American Society for Microbiology in regards to a new multifunctional monoterpene which they had isolated from various parts of the olive tree. The compound was called calcium elenolate, a crystalline salt form of elenolic acid. When they tested this compound it was found to be virucidal against all viruses for which it was tested. The compound acted effectively at low concentrations without any harmful influence on host cell mechanisms. It was also found to be extremely safe and nontoxic, even at high doses. While it worked extremely well in-vitro, it was unsuccessful in-vitro. When injected into the blood stream, the compound bound quickly to the blood serum protein and rendered itself ineffective. They were unable to overcome this problem and terminated their research. During this same period, other companies had interest in the compound and performed various tests, but also lost interest. Then in 1990, interest was renewed and the process of bringing the remarkable product Olive Leaf Extract to market began.

A safety study on calcium elenolate was laboratory tested with animals and published by The Upjohn Company in 1970. The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended, no toxic or other adverse side effects appeared..

Recent Australian studies show that liquid olive leaf extract made from fresh olive leaves has up to 40 times more antioxidants than even the very best extra virgin olive oils. This same fresh Olive Leaf Extract also has 5 times more antioxidant power than Vitamin C, 28 times more antioxidant power than Noni juices and 6 times more than Goji juices.

The Power of Olive Leaves

Effective against fever and helpful for nervous tension; great immune booster and viral/bacterial killer. Researchers credit a number of unique properties possessed by the olive leaf compound for the broad killing power: an ability to interfere with critical amino acid production essential for viruses, an ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane, and the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral replication in the case of retroviruses. It is able to neutralize the production of reverse transcriptase and protease (an enzyme found in retroviruses that enable the virus to make DNA from viral RNA). These enzymes are essential for a retrovirus, such as HIV, to alter the RNA of a healthy cell. It can stimulate phagocytosis, an immune system response in which immune cells ingest harmful microorganisms and foreign matter.

Summary of conditions for which olive leaf extract acts as a microbial and anti-viral agent

AIDS Amoebiasis Anthrax Athlete's Foot Bladder Infection Campylobacter Chicken Pox Chlamydia Cholera Common Cold Cold Sore (herpes simplex) Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus Diarrheal Disease Diphtheria Ear Infection Ebola Sudan Virus E. Coli Epstein-Barr Virus Flu (influenza) Gastric Ulcers (from H. Pylori) Genital Herpes/Warts Giardia Gonorrhea Group B Strep Hantavirus Hepatitis A, B, C Herpes Zoster (shingles) Lyme Disease Malaria Measles Meningitis (bacterial) Meningitis (viral) Mononucleosis Pinworms Pneumonia (bacterial) Pneumonia (viral) Polio Pork Tapeworm Rabies Rheumatic Fever Ringworm Retrovirus infection Roundworm Rotavirus Infection RSV Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Strep Throat Syphilis Tuberculosis Thrush Toxic Shock Syndrome Trichinosis Typhoid Fever Urinary Tract Infections Vaginal Yeast Infections

Die-Off Syndrome

There are no negative side effects with Olive leaf extract but it does have a healthy side effect called the Herxheimer or "Die-Off" effect. Here is what takes place during a die-off effect. In the body there are microbes or viruses that somehow manage to evade the body's immune system. Upon exposure to olive leaf tincture these microbes and viruses are destroyed which is a good thing for the person. After the microbe virus death, their cell-wall proteins are absorbed through the weakened mucous membrane, which surrounds them. The body recognizes these as toxins and begins its natural processes to get rid of them. If present in too large of numbers for the eliminative system to handle, the individual may develop symptoms that include headaches, swelling in the mouth, throat, sinuses, and lymphatic's, rashes, fatigue, diarrhea, muscle/joint achiness, or other flu-like symptoms. The severity will vary from person to person, depending on the extent of their condition, the state of their immune and eliminatory systems, and how much olive leaf extract is being consumed.

The die off effect is desirable as it indicates that the body is being cleared of these hazardous microbes and viruses. Anyone who experiences these unpleasant effects generally feels fabulously well afterwards many times better than ever before.

If you feel the effects and you would like to minimize them, there are some easy things you can do. Many physicians recommend that an individual consume plenty of water in between usages of the product. Water keeps the lymphatic system and the kidneys functioning properly and more capable of handling the excess toxins. Another way to reduce the effects is to cut back on the dose of tincture that you are taking or go off it completely for a day or two before slowly increasing the dose once again. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to completely rid the body of the excess toxins.

Why Olive Leaf Tincture?

A good question, and the answer makes common sense. Tinctures are made from the ground herb combined with pure grain alcohol. The alcohol acts as a solvent extracting the active healing ingredients out of the herb. The alcohol is then pressed out of the herb, all the valuable active herbal ingredients are now in the alcohol, the herbal pulp is discarded. This process can be done with one or a combination of herbs. In an alcohol tincture form the herb(s) are easily assimilated by the body to immediately begin the healing process such as killing germs or viruses.


There is no official dose for taking olive leaf tincture even though it has been around for thousands of years of use and testing. The most popular amount for a maintenance dose is 2 droppers full twice daily on an empty stomach before meals. For conditions such as the common cold, flu, sinus infections, and basic respiratory tract infections, the dose is 2 droppers full every 2 hours. For acute infections such as sore throat, swollen glands, fever, etc., the recommendation is 3 droppers full every 2 hours.

Safety of Olive Leaf Tincture

From all indications over the thousands of years of use by professional and nonprofessional people; Olive leaf tincture appears to be an extremely safe supplement that can effectively aid the body in improving immune function and fighting infection by various microbes and viruses. To my knowledge and through my research I have not found one single negative case involving the use of olive leaf tincture.

Shelf Life

Alcohol acts as a preservative and if stored in a cool, dark place, tinctures can last indefinitely. I have herbal tinctures that have lasted 15 years and were just as strong as when I first used them. As I said above, avoid heat, sunlight, and exposure to air, and your tinctures will keep their "just picked" freshness for as long as you own them.


Don't take olive leaf with antibiotics as they can be inactivated by olive leaf.

Don't take olive leaf with Warfarin (Coumadin) this drug can cause internal bleeding.

Olive leaf naturally relaxes blood vessels and capillaries which could increase Coumadin's side effects.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Comfrey use for medicinal purposes have almost magical qualities! These healing properties are why Comfrey has been referred to as boneset, knitbone, and bruisewort since the middle ages and also has been known as the healing agent for fractures.
This is a big plant and can grow up to five feet tall. Its leaves are dark green, long, and oval-shaped, and they grow on the upright, branch at the top of the plant. Its flowers are soft, and bell-shaped can be white, pink, blue, or purple.
You can make a gel from the root, poultices from the leaves, tinctures, and compresses. It is a beautiful addition to the garden.
Comfrey's healing properties includes promoting new bone, muscle, and cartilage growth and protecting the skin comes from a chemical that is found in its leaves, Allantion. This makes Comfrey a valuable aid in healing burns, cuts, and major wounds and relieving inflammation. It's also an astringent, demulcent, and an expectorant.
Allantion is a protein that is found in many over-the-counter products for dry and irritated skin conditions.
The leaves are used for making poultices, compresses, and creams. The flowering tops are used in ointments and infused oils. The root is used for gels and poultices.
Comfrey ointment, gel, tincture, compresses, and poultices are used for treating bruises, sprains, fractures, wounds, ulcers, arthritis, skin irritations such as insect bites, burns, and relieving the pain and inflammation. Different areas of the world use it for different things including anemia and arthritis as well as taking it internally.
Comfrey contains alkaloid chemicals which can cause liver damage if consumed in extremely large amounts. Due to the risk of liver damage Comfrey is no longer considered safe for human consumption in the United States. The alkaloid chemicals are not absorbed through the skin, which makes the external use of Comfrey safe.
Prior to using Comfrey on a cut or wound, make sure the cut or wound is cleansed thoroughly. Comfrey heals the area quickly by sealing over the wound and if any dirt remains in the wound it could cause an infection by being trapped in the wound.
Comfrey is an herb worth growing in your garden and making use of its healing properties

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some Simple Remedies to Fight Fatigue

Stress, whether physical, mental or emotional is something that is always present in life. You get to find stress in your work, at school and at home. And because stress has the tendency to pile up, it often leads to one more thing, excessive tiredness or fatigue.
But while stress and fatigue seem to be inevitable, you have to know that it is not something without a remedy. You can always get rid of that excessive tiredness by sampling a few of these inexpensive tricks at home.
1. Try to get rid of excessive tiredness by taking time to exercise daily. That may sound off to some because exercise is always attributed to physical exertion and eventually more fatigue. But what those people fail to realize is that exercising helps your body produce more endorphins. And when you have a lot of endorphins in your body, you become happier, you become less stressed and in the long run, you tend to be less prone to fatigue.
2. Get a massage that will help you relax your muscles in no time. For best results, you may want to consider doing it at least once every two weeks or once a month at least.
3. Engage in aromatherapy sessions that will help you deal with stress. When you are in a spa, you can choose from peppermint, sandalwood, cedar and cypress scents that are all famous for inducing relaxation.
4. If you feel that your excessive tiredness is coming from emotional and mental stress, then look for a quiet place and meditate. To help you further with your meditation, you can use relaxing music and sounds like the sound of birds and the sea.
5. Lastly, if you are getting attacked by fatigue in the middle of the day when you still have a lot of things to do, then try getting a boost of energy by eating apples, carrots and cucumber. According to a lot of doctors, those fruits and vegetables will wake you up and get you going in no time

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Helping Acid reflux

According to researches, diet is the major factor in triggering acid refluxes. Food we eat stimulates stomach into producing the acid. Acid is an important ingredient for digestion. It breaks down the food. Some food disturbs the balance of digestive system and stomach overproduces the acid. When you eat and how you eat directly affects the cause of this problem. Changing the manner of eating can prove to be very helpful and it will help digestive system to work more efficiently.
Eating smaller portions, chewing food thoroughly, taking smaller mouthfuls of food will be very helpful for the digestive system to work properly. Instead of taking three meals in a day, prefer to take various smaller meals. This will help to dilute the tummy acid and keep digestive tract moving. Maintain at least two hours between last meal and bedtime. While we sleep acid can easily move towards upper part of digestive system. So avoid sleeping after taking meal.
Be aware of what you are eating. It will help you to know the kind of food that is increasing the acid reflux problem. Maintain a food diary and note down things you eat. Eat foods that are rich in fibre. Fibre keeps whole digestive system moving and healthy. Avoid taking caffeine, fatty foods and carbonated beverages. Avoiding unhealthy eating habits will surely prevent the acid flare-ups. Whenever fried food, spicy food and junk food are ingested in stomach, it will increase the acid formation. Person suffering from acid reflux must avoid this kind of food intake. These foods trigger the acid into upper digestive system.
Being aware about the food we eat is the most effective remedy to prevent acid refluxes. It is quite natural that many of us will find that it is quite difficult to live with above mentioned preventions. All in all prevention mentioned above is the only way to avoid frequent acid refluxes. But there are still some remedies which can keep acid refluxes in check.
1. Ginger - Taking ginger supplement in regular basis will increase the production of digestive fluids and saliva. It relieves indigestion. It has antispasmodic action on stomach. In simple words it helps to control muscle action that can affect digestive tract. It reduces acid refluxes and calms cramping stomach.
2. Swedish Bitter - This traditional herbal tonic is used to deal with this problem. In Europe, people are using this herb from several years. It has worked for them effectively and it is a well know remedy in Europe.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar - It might surprise you that apple cider vinegar is practically very useful in this problem. People might wonder how apple cider vinegar is useful to keep a check in this problem. Consuming it will help enzymes to break down food easily. It also keeps a check on the amount of acid production. It helps food to digest easily and quickly, and it also prevents from acidity.
4. Milk - Milk is a beverage which is usually always available in everybody's refrigerators. A glass of milk can give a quick relief. Whenever you feel acidity or heartburn, pour a glass of cold milk and drink it slowly. Milk helps in the production of enzymes and dilutes the acid produced in the stomach.
5. Water - It may sound surprising but water is very effective at the time of acid refluxes. Eight to ten glass of water is very necessary for the body to work properly. Water plays an important role in digestion of food. It dilutes the acid and wash anything down that might be causing problem.
It is very important to keep our digestive system healthy. Every part of our body depends upon the food we take. Each and every organ is affected by our digestive system. When food is digested properly different parts of digestive systems absorbs the necessary elements and provides energy for the body. Indigestion and wrong eating habits will result in the form of acid refluxes. So be aware while eating food and live a healthy and problem free life

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Treating Gout

There are many different types of arthritis, and one common type that affects many people is Gout. Gout can often be very painful, and often affects the toes, knees, and ankles. Walking with gout can be difficult for many people, and stairs are often equally distressing. Learning ways to treat this condition as well as make adaptions in your home can make it much easier to cope with it.
Most medical professionals agree that Gout is caused by a build up of uric acid in the body. This is usually a signal that there may be something disrupting the normal kidney function in the body. While doctors will often acknowledge this, they typically do not have many different treatments available to help one, other than to recommend taking painkillers. However, this can be dangerous, since pain killers can easily become habit forming and cause even larger problems than the arthritic pain.
For this reason, after getting a proper diagnosis from a doctor, many people turn to natural home remedies. There are a number of things that people will try, and it is important before trying any of them that you first consult with a doctor, since natural does not always mean safe.
Often making dietary changes can help relieve some of the pain. Drinking lemon juice each day, eating cherries, and drinking cranberry juice are all ways to help your kidneys function better. Some have had success with various herbal supplements, such as Swedish bitters as well. Epsom salt soaks can often help with relaxing the joints and the pain, as well as detoxify the body.
If you do not have any success with dietary changes or supplements, the next step is to try to make your home more comfortable. If stairs are an issue for example, you may want to install a stair lift or consider finding a home which does not have steps.
Being diagnosed with Gout does not have to mean you have to suffer. Making a few dietary changes and making your home more comfortable are all things you can do to help relieve the pain and get back to enjoying life as you should.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an inflammatory, chronic, autoimmune disease; it affects the connective tissue and blood. There are two kinds of lupus. SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus) this one is very serious and can be fatal. This is a condition that affects the body's organs in addition to the above-mentioned connective tissue and blood. DLE (discoid lupus erythematosus) this affects the exposed areas of the skin mostly, and may sometimes affect the joints.
The symptoms of lupus can vary and do according to the severity of the illness and the affected organs, if any. SLE, the more serious type, can occur suddenly. It will seem like a very bad infection accompanied with a fever. It can also appear slowly sometimes over years. As the effects can come on slowly with random episodes of fatigue and fever, soreness in joints or what appear to be growing pains in children; it can eventually deform the joints and cause muscular contraction.
Some of the more common symptoms are rashes on the upper chest, elbows, neck and/or face. With DLE, the rash will begin with a red color, it will be circular may be thickened in areas and can also leave scars and occurs mostly on the scalp and face. It can also cause hair loss. There is a characteristic "butterfly-shaped" rash that is found with SLE, and this is found on the bridge of the nose and the cheeks. These rashes do not cause scarring or permanent hair loss.
A few other symptoms are ulcers on the mouth and nose. A swelling of the fingers and hands along with a sensitivity to light, pericarditis which is an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart, an iron deficiency, kidney disorders, anemia, pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs, and high blood pressure. In children it is not unusual to see swollen lymph nodes.
SLE is considered to be severe if a life-threatening disease accompanies it. Otherwise it is considered to be mild if the main symptoms are the fever, joint pain, pleurisy, pericarditis, rash and headaches. If SLE is serious then under a doctor's care immediate corticosteroid therapy must be administered. This is a chronic condition so remission can occur and random periods where you are symptomatic will also occur.. So, if in remission for a long period of time do not jump to the conclusion that the disease is gone. You will need to do blood tests for anti-nuclear antibodies and you may also need skin biopsies.
The following 8 symptoms absolutely must be present for a diagnosis of lupus and they are: low white blood cell or platelet count or hemolytic anemia, mouth sores, abnormal cells in the urine, ANA antibodies in the blood, joint pain in more than just one joint, so arthritis, butterfly rash on cheeks, psychosis or seizure and light sensitivity. This is according to the American Rheumatoid Association.
There is a 100% connection between food allergies and lupus. And lupus, in 90% of the cases, strikes young children and young women.
There are drugs that can cause false-positive readings of SLE; they are hydralazine, beta-blockers and procainamide. Also environmental stresses and even birth control pills can exacerbate lupus symptoms.
What To Do
If not already on an organic diet then change the diet to one that is natural and organic. Limit your dairy intake, polyunsaturated oils and beef products. And of course, screen for allergies and avoid any food you test sensitive to. Increase green, orange and yellow vegetables and do eat wild caught fish several times a week.
Herbs that will help are: Echinacea, licorice, red clover, pau d`arco and goldenseal. Also supplementation with Swedish bitters with each meal will help to increase hydrochloric acid production and drink an infusion of nettle twice a day.
Hydrotherapy may also help and offer some relief, sitz baths, hot and/or cold compresses, day spas, an alternative health care professional can direct you to some of the other forms of healing and relief. You will also want to ask your practitioner about hyperthermia, artificially creating a fever in order to boost the immune function - this has been very effective for eliminating heavy metals, toxins, bacteria and viruses.
Juice that will help is that of celery, black currant oil, carrot, flaxseed oil and garlic.
Helpful supplements are: vitamin A with beta carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin B5, B12, selenium, essential fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C magnesium, proteolytic enzymes taken away from meals, digestive enzymes take them with meals, the amino acids L-cystine, L-cysteine, L-methionine, and HCL with each and every meal as it is that lupus patients are often deficient in HCL.
PABA cream can be applied topically and will help ease the symptons.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inflammation, Insulin levels

Inflammation, infections and excessive levels of insulin in the body are major instigators of cancer. Often, they occur together, and most people in modern society suffer from some degree of all three. Yet, it is possible to reduce their influence upon the body and thereby dramatically lower cancer risk.

Inflammation can cause cancer because it generates free radicals that damage DNA and create cell mutations which lead to cancer. Many things cause inflammation, including: refined sugar, pasteurized dairy products, polyunsaturated oils, charred, overcooked and processed food, GMOs, pesticides, and artificial food additives like MSG. Since allergies cause inflammation, common food allergens, such as peanuts, soy and gluten, can be cancer-causing if a person is allergic to them. Environmental toxins, such as mercury, electromagnetic radiation and industrial chemicals, also cause inflammation as do infections.

Maintaining a diet free of the above, and which is high in free radical-quenching antioxidants and phytochemicals, reduces inflammation and thereby helps to prevent cancer. Colorful, cruciferous vegetables (ie, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic and onion) and fruits such as berries contain high levels of phytochemicals and antioxidants. Many high fiber foods, such as beans, brown rice, sesame seeds and wheat bran, have anti-cancer properties as well.

Consuming food in as natural a state as possible also keeps inflammation at bay. Vegetables, fruits, lean meat, legumes and complex carbohydrates should be organic, non-genetically-modified, and free of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics. Additionally, many nutrients and spices, such as omega-3 fish oil, turmeric, ginger, and Vitamins A and D, contain anti-inflammatory substances which have proven to be beneficial for preventing cancer.

Removing toxins from the body and home is also important for reducing inflammation. Natural toxin binders such as chlorella, apple pectin and French green clay remove many environmental toxins from the body. DMSA and alpha-lipoic acid, when taken together, effectively remove heavy metals. Some ways to remove cancer-causing substances from the home include: getting rid of synthetic household cleaning products and replacing them with natural ones; living away from cell phone and microwave towers, and reducing cell and cordless phone use. Eliminating the body's exposure to DNA-damaging radiation and chemicals significantly reduces cancer risk.

Infections can also instigate cancer because the body's response to infection is to create inflammation. Some types of pathogens can also directly cause cell mutations, such as human papilloma viruses (HPV). People with chronic infections, such as Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr and XMRV viruses, Candida and mold, are at a higher risk for cancer than people who don't have such infections. Treating infections with antimicrobial herbs, homeopathy and other natural remedies, while maintaining a low-inflammatory diet, can reduce the effects of infections upon the body.

Finally, excess levels of insulin trigger cancer. This is because insulin is a hormone that encourages cellular growth, and cancer cells have 6-10 times the number of insulin receptors on the surface of their cell membranes as normal cells. Since we all have cancer cells in our bodies, nobody is exempt from developing cancer as a result of excessive amounts of insulin.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Swedish Bitters benefits

Swedish Bitters benefits: Swedish Bitters is an age old, old world herbal remedy in common use over almost all of Europe. Those who still believe will claim that it has magical curative powers which work wonders for one's overall body-mind equation. However, regardless of whether it is a wonder herb or not, Swedish Bitters has been scientifically proven to have qualities which help improve the digestive system, lessen stress and heal a host of skin related problems. Swedish Bitters is also known to prove particularly suitable for pregnant and lactating women in treating morning sickness and inflammation of the nipples respectively. Fever, epilepsy, liver and eye diseases are some other illnesses which Swedish Bitters helps relieve.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Vitamin C

The cells of your body are under a lot of stress... oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when highly unstable molecules called free radicals roam freely throughout your body.
Free radicals are a by-product of not only the normal metabolic processes of your cells but also your environment... things such as air pollution, sun exposure, industrial chemical exposure, ozone, nitrous oxide (from auto exhaust), cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption and so on.
Free radicals damage cell membranes and DNA and can result in changes to your cells that cause life threatening chronic diseases down the road. When your cells are being damaged by these free radicals, we say your cells are experiencing oxidative stress... and one of the facts about Vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant and can significantly neutralize the free radicals and the damage to your cells that cause oxidative stress.
Facts about Vitamin C and Heart Disease
One of the facts about Vitamin C that we feel is most significant is the role Vitamin C plays in the production of collagen.
Collagen is a protein. It is the connective tissue that holds our bodies together and keeps us from falling apart. Collagen is found in your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, liver, cartilage, bone marrow and blood vessels.
Collagen is essential for the repair of our bodies. Without collagen our bodies don't heal. And without Vitamin C we don't make collagen.
What Does Collagen Production Have to Do With Heart Disease?
Remember the facts about Vitamin C above and the sailors with scurvy? They weren't getting any Vitamin C. So when their blood vessels cracked, no collagen was being produced to repair the cracks.
Why do your blood vessels crack in the first place? Well consider this. Your heart beats about 4000 times every hour. That's 96,000 times a day and 35,040,000 times every year (yes that's million)! The blood vessels of your heart are being squeezed and released that many times as well.
Imagine you were to run over a garden hose laying in your driveway that many times. Do you think it might soon develop some cracks?
Although your body has a difficult time repairing those cracks in the complete absence of Vitamin C (and hence scurvy), most folks in the developed world get just enough Vitamin C to keep scurvy at bay... but not much more.
Problem is, as this sub-optimal amount of Vitamin C in their body is repairing with collagen, it's not quite enough. Your liver then determines that the repairs are not being made quick enough and sets about to produce a special form of LDL called lipoprotein-a.
Lipoprotein-a is very sticky and acts as a putty to fill in the cracks that the lack of collagen left behind. Great right? Leak stopped.
Well the leak is stopped yes, but being as sticky as it is, lipoprotein-a catches and glues down all the other LDL (bad cholesterol) that floats by. This action results in plaque build-up inside the vessel walls and can eventually close off these blood vessels... and we all know what that means!
Facts about Vitamin C and Cholesterol
Can Vitamin C lower cholesterol? A relationship has been shown experimentally between high levels of Vitamin C and low levels of cholesterol. An article appearing in the National Library of Medicine shows that Vitamin C provides the same mechanism for inhibiting the production of cholesterol as do cholesterol lowering statin drugs.
The American Heart Association also reported that Vitamin C lowered LDL cholesterol in children who were predisposed to high cholesterol.
The facts about Vitamin C also show that Vitamin C lowers cholesterol without the dangerous side effects of these statin drugs. Statin drugs have been shown to inhibit the production of another essential nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Decreased levels of CoQ10 result in significant muscle myopathy (wasting away). And since the heart is a muscle, statin drugs have been linked to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
More Facts about Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's when taken with Vitamin E and cut your chances of having a stroke.
Why is that? Remember the facts about Vitamin C above as an antioxidant? Well, most researchers agree that Vitamin C's powerful antioxidant properties are responsible. By neutralizing the cell damaging effects of those free radicals running around in your body, Vitamin C works to keep your cells healthy and free of damage. And if your cells are healthy, you are healthy!
Vitamin C is also known to protect the immune system. Vitamin C aids in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells destroy viruses and bacteria.
Also remember the facts about Vitamin C as aiding in the manufacture of collagen? Well collagen being the connective tissue that holds our skin together, our skin is what keeps pathogens out in the first place.
Yeah, But I Drink My Glass of Orange Juice Everyday... Well Almost
What are the facts about Vitamin C concerning the amount you should take? Well who do you want to believe? The official U.S. Government RDA for Vitamin C is 60 to 90 mg. Some would argue that this level does nothing more than ward off scurvy. They would also argue that these levels do nothing to prevent chronic, long term, debilitating diseases.
An article in the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition reports on a study done on antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk. The study looked at 9 other studies which included participation by Harvard School of Public Health and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Conclusions: "The results suggest a reduced incidence of major CHD (coronary heart disease) events at high supplemental vitamin C intakes."
How high was the daily Vitamin C intake of the 293,172 patients during this ten year study? Above 700 mg!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vitamin E

o Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects tissue against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that usually contain oxygen and can interaction with DNA and other molecules leading to an impaired cell function. Vitamin E, one of the chemical compounds that prevents oxygen from reacting with other compounds, neutralizes free radicals, and is, therefore, one of the body's natural defenses against cancer and cardiovascular disease.
o Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. Vitamin E improves circulation, is necessary in the repair of tissue, promotes normal blood clotting and healing, and can reduce scarring, too.
o Women find it useful in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and fibrocystic disease of the breast.
o Older adults take it to help reduce blood pressure, relax leg cramps, help prevent cataracts, and, perhaps, to assist in reducing age spots.
o Vitamin E also helps prevent anemia, maintains healthy nerves and muscles, and promotes healthy skin and hair.
Where Do We Find It?
Food sources of vitamin E are nuts (e.g., almonds), sunflower seeds, cold pressed vegetable oils, whole grains (e.g., wheat germ), olives, legumes, and dark and leafy vegetable (e.g., asparagus and spinach). There are also significant quantities of this vitamin in such foods as brown rice, cornmeal, eggs, kelp, milk, and organ meats. Some herb vitamin E sources are alfalfa, bladderwrack, dandelion, flax, nettle, and rose hips.
Vitamin E, like all other vitamins, is not only available from food sources, but also as a supplement. It can be purchased in the form of a tablet, a capsule, or a liquid, and as a powder that can be mixed with water or juice or added to gels or bars. It can also be administered by injection. Read labels carefully so that you purchase only those supplements that have been extracted from a natural food source and have no harmful additives included. A proper balance of vitamins are needed in the body because they work in synergy, or cooperative action, and high doses of one vitamin can induce a depletion of another. You can take vitamin E safely in a one a day multivitamin, or as single vitamin supplement if you wish to take an amount higher than is included in a multivitamin. Visit a vitamin store and watch for the opportunity to purchase your vitamins at a discount.
How Much Do We Need?
The amount of vitamin E you need depends on your age, your weight, and the problems you are trying to solve or prevent. Remember that supplements should be taken daily, and should be taken with food so that you will receive other nutrients to assist in their assimilation. Keep your supplements in a cool, dark place to protect their potency, and take them as part of your mealtime routine:
o To maintain good health, you should take a minimum amount of 200 IUs daily.
o To help lower raised cholesterol levels, especially in young adults, take 300 to 600 IUs daily.
o For reducing menopausal symptoms, take 400 IUs daily.
o To help combat coronary artery disease and poor circulation, take 400 IUs daily.
Be Careful:
It is important to understand the different functions of vitamins if you are going to ingest them separately instead of within a multivitamin where the formulation will ensure a proper balance. In the case of vitamin E, there are a variety of concerns of which you should be aware:
o Vitamin E should be taken under medical supervision if you are also taking blood-thinning drugs (anticoagulant medication). Vitamin E acts as a blood thinner, too.
o Remember that vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, and since it will be stored in the body in fatty tissue, it can reach toxic levels. People who decide to take mega-doses of vitamins and don't know what they're doing can suffer from too much of a good thing with this vitamin. If you are taking a multivitamin supplement and a separate vitamin E supplement, make sure you are not taking a toxic dose. Anything over 1200 IUs should not be taken without consulting a health professional.
o Be careful if you take iron as well as vitamin E. These two supplements should be taken at different times of the day because iron in the form of ferrous sulfate will destroy vitamin E. Organic forms of iron such as ferrous gluconate or ferrous fumarate, however, will not harm the vitamin. Read the label and make sure you know which form of iron you are taking.
o Diabetics, people with overactive thyroids, and those with rheumatic heart diseases should be especially careful not to take more than recommended dosages of vitamin E.
o If you suffer from high blood pressure, begin with 200 IUs of vitamin E per day and gradually increase the dose over a period of six weeks until you reach the desired level.
o If you are taking vitamin E, you must also take a minimum dose of zinc as well, and some supplements will include the necessary amount of zinc in the Vitamin E tablet or capsule.
Vitamin E is an important element in our arsenal of disease-battling nutrients, and there is an increasing lack of vitamin E in our diets because of our dependence on processed food and the depletion of nutrients in the soil. Fortunately, supplements allow us to obtain whatever amount of vitamin E we need to keep us healthy.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Benefits of Raw Honey

1. Raw honey never spoils! It can be used as a natural preservative; the Egyptians used it for such purposes.
2. No other sweeteners on the market have the same range of medicinal uses as honey does. It can be used to heal the skin; it has helped me with my psoriasis and is reported to have helped others with asthma and eczema. It can also be used with apple cyder vinegar as a health tonic to kill off intestinal parasites.
3. There are over 80 varieties of honey! This outnumbers other sweeteners by far - with honey you have more choice and don't get bored as easily as you would for example constantly eating agave syrup. Below are are ten popular honeys with a range of tastes that far exceeds any other sweetener. Acacia, Chestnut, Oak, Wild Thyme, Heather, Lemon Blossom, Orange Blossom, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus.
4. Honey may make you live longer! It is a longevity food of the highest order. Bee keepers in Russia are known to have lived long lives - well into their hundreds - there diet was rich in honey and pollen!
5. No other sweetener has the unique enzyme profile that honey does. Raw honey can contain over 5000 enzymes. Enzymes are the fuel of life which gives honey the edge as fuel source over other sweeteners.
6. Unlike honey no other sweeteners can be used topically. Honey can be used to heal cuts and wounds and also certain skin conditions. It does this by releasing a mild form of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which make extremely effective for such purposes.
7. No other sweeteners vary in appearance or consistency like honey do. There is set honey; this is thick and you can easily stand a knife in it. There is runny honey which is ideal for spreading on toast... and of course you have creamed honey which can be used for anything you like - tea, coffee, desserts and smoothies. When you buy honey you always get something fresh and new!
8. Honey unlike most other sweeteners will not drastically affect your blood sugar levels which tends to have the effect of leaving you low in energy after the initial high. With honey you get sustained energy and no lows!
9. Raw honey unlike most other sweeteners is not cooked and therefore gives it greater nutritional value than other sweeteners on the market. Cooked sweeteners are not as fresh nor pure as raw honey straight from the hive is!
10. Raw honeycomb is a wholefood! To my knowledge no other sweetener either exists, or, is as readily available as honey is in wholefood form. According to nutritionists Honeycomb has a wide enough range of nutrients to sustain human life for extended periods of time

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is full of healthy benefits. Next to mother’s milk, it is nature’s highest source of medium chain fatty acids (MTC’s), which raise the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss. It has fatty acids such as lauric acid and monoglycerides, similar to mother’s breast milk.
When lauric acid is consumed in the body, whether through mother’s milk or coconut oil, it enhances the immune system to help the body fight infections, diseases, bad bacteria and yeast invasions. Lauric aid is known to be anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
Coconut oil raises the metabolism, which helps people who are trying to lose weight and people suffering from thyroid problems. Coconut stabilizes the blood sugar levels, helping with diabetes. It also protects the heart cells from damage.
Coconut oil helps relieve the symptoms of menopause, and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Many women who suffer the effects of PMS have found the symptoms lessened when coconut oil was consumed often in their diet.
Coconut oil does not raise cholesterol. Studies have shown that people who use coconut oil have lower cholesterol than those who do not, even when the people consuming coconut also eat other high cholesterol foods like eggs and meat.
Unlike refined vegetable oils, coconut oil does not become rancid easily. When oil becomes rancid it becomes toxic as it oxidizes and causes free-radical damage in the body. The unsaturated oils in cooked foods can become rancid within hours of cooking it, even in the refrigerator. Coconut oil is so stable that it can be left a room temperature for at least a year, and it will not become rancid. Some coconut oil producers say coconut oil will last at least 3 years at room temperature before becoming rancid. Since it is such a stable cooking oil, you can use coconut oil in place of other oils, margarine, butter and shortening, for all your cooking needs.
Coconut oil smells good, tastes pleasant and is so good for our bodies that some people consume it straight, by the tablespoon, and use it in place of other oils on their salads. Many people also use it as an ingredient when juicing or making smoothies.
If all this good news isn’t enough, coconut oil one of the best things you can apply directly on your skin and hair. It not only gives temporary relief to skin problems like rashes, but it aids in healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance. It has also been known to help with people who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, and there is solid research that shows the MCTs in coconut oil do overcome yeast infections. Coconut oil also makes an excellent massage oil.

Monday, August 22, 2011

More on magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral for everybody. It is needed to achieve healthy bodily functioning. Magnesium is responsible for over 400 enzyme reactions in your body and is found in your brain, muscles, all of your tissues, and about 60-70% of magnesium is found in your bones. What once occurred plentifully in our diets is now causing a major health problem, with an estimated 68% of the population having magnesium deficiency due to insufficient daily intake. Is it little wonder that we have such a high rate of magnesium deficiency when we look at how our modern lifestyle has evolved? As a society we have a very highly processed diet, which is based around white bread, white flour, dairy products and protein. All of these foods have little to no magnesium content.
So on the one hand our modern diets are lacking in magnesium and on the other hand our lifestyle choices are also responsible for magnesium levels decreasing. When we consume alcohol or caffeine it drains our already low magnesium levels; then add stress to the mix and it's no wonder that such a large percentage of the population have magnesium deficiency. A study has been done of soldiers in combat situations that showed that under high levels of stress, their body's loose huge amounts of magnesium due to the stress they were experiencing. So with this in mind we have to ask - what is our daily stress doing to our magnesium levels?
Now if we take all of the factors; a) diets low in magnesium b) alcohol and caffeine a stable part of most people's diets and c) modern day stress levels at an all time high; is it not very surprising that such a high percentage of people now suffer from a magnesium deficiency.
Signs that you have a magnesium deficiency:
There are many signs that point to magnesium deficiency - let's go through and list some of the major ones:
1 Insomnia
2 Muscle cramps and twitching - including restless leg syndrome
3 Constipation
4 Sensitivity to loud noises
5 Anxious or overly stressed
7 Headaches and migraines
8 Shortness of breath
How magnesium can give you a better night's sleep.
Amongst magnesium's many qualities it has a calming effect on the nervous systems and this can help us to relax.
Magnesium works in combination with the calcium in our bodies to help our muscles relax and in doing so allows us to have a better night's sleep. Without a sufficient amount of magnesium in our system, we can suffer from night time muscle cramps and insomnia. Magnesium has also shown positive results in the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). RLS is a disorder that causes a strong urge to move your legs, particularly when you stop moving or lie down to sleep at night. Magnesium eases anxiety and relaxes muscles and nerves resulting in a better night's sleep.
Fixing our magnesium deficiency
There are five areas that we need to look at in order to increase our levels of magnesium to the minimum daily intake of 300mg or more. If we don't get the recommended daily intake our bodies still need to get the magnesium from somewhere, and we start to extract it from our bones. So it is essential that for good health we maintain a healthy level of magnesium on a daily basis. With magnesium deficiency becoming such a large problem what can we do about it?
1 Changing our diets - By taking some simple measures and increasing the intake of foods high in magnesium we will be on our way to improving our sleeping habits and overall heath. Foods rich in magnesium are green leafy vegetables, some beans, nuts and seeds, and whole unrefined grains.
2 Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake - By cutting down on the amount of caffeine and alcohol we consume we can decrease the amount of magnesium drained from our body on a daily basis
3 Reducing our stress levels - by practicing some relaxation techniques like meditation we can effectively reduce the amount of stress our bodies feel.
4 Supplements - There are many magnesium supplements on the market today these are mainly found in tablet, powder or topical form. The most effective seems to be a magnesium chloride topical spray that is absorbed through your skin, doing this reduces the side effect of an upset stomach which puts a lot of people off taking magnesium orally.
By making some simple changes to our lifestyles we can greatly improve our sleeping habits as well as our overall health. Magnesium has been referred to the miracle mineral and not without good reason as having healthy magnesium levels is essential for our overall good health and longevity

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Magnesium deficiency

Lacking the proper amounts of magnesium in our diets can lead to many other conditions, other than heart disease. A variety of symptoms will and can be attributed to low magnesium intake. A magnesium insufficiency will cause the heart to beat irregularly. This irregularity causes our arteries to become less pliant, causing them to constrict, and the blood pressure will rise. As the pressure rises, blood may start to accumulate in portions of our arteries and a clot may form. Blockage of an artery can of course lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Other signs and symptoms start to develop directly in response to the above scenario, and to other responses due to a reduction in the daily magnesium requirement. The need for magnesium is basic to literally every organ and cell in our body to carry out the normal daily functions. Without enough magnesium, the cells can become irritable and hyper. They can cause hormonal imbalances. This in turn can lead to muscle spasms if this imbalance targets a particular muscle such as the gastrocnemeous (calve) muscle, or any other muscle or group of muscles. Magnesium plays an important role in releasing the energy in the body to make cells and genetic material.
If the lowered magnesium requirements cause the cells in the pancreas to react, the production of insulin may be affected by causing a reduction in the insulin, resulting in a rise of blood sugar and diabetes can be the end result. Magnesium insufficiency and its repercussions do not end here, due to the fact that magnesium literally affects every muscle, bone, nerve, organ, tissue and cell in the body. I can't impress upon you the major impact that magnesium's role will play in the body's daily normal functions.
In my last Newsletter on calcium, I stated how important calcium was for bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis. I also mentioned the importance of the minerals that were necessary in the addition to the calcium. If you load yourself up on calcium and neglect these other minerals you are defeating the purpose and may do you more harm than good. Taking large amounts of calcium tends to leach out magnesium so you must be sure that you are getting an adequate amount of magnesium to offset this process.
The end results in magnesium deficiency are far reaching as you can see. All the conditions spoken of above are only the tip of the iceberg. Many other symptoms can and will usually develop. Irritability, headaches, stress, sleeplessness, pain, is related affects. Having these symptoms for an extended period of time leads to a loss of vigor that can and will affect the quality of your life. The aging process accelerates and you become older than your chronological age.
Here is a condition that is easily preventable. By watching the diet and eating foods that are high in magnesium content, can and will prevent many of the horrific scenarios depicted above. Taking a good supplement can be very helpful in augmenting the diet itself. See that the supplement also contains the trace minerals, manganese and copper. Look for the foods that will "Give you more bang for your buck", that are high in magnesium. For finding these foods, read on in the "Health Hints" below.
Health Hints***
Knowing your daily requirements should be the starting point in making sure you get the magnesium needed in your foods, and knowing what foods and the quantities of magnesium they contain. The recommended daily requirement for men is 420 mg and for women the recommended daily requirement is 320 mg. As stated above, calcium taken without enough magnesium can reduce the body's supply of magnesium. It is best to take calcium in a 2 to 1 ratio to magnesium.
A side affect of taking magnesium for some individuals may be diarrhea. Taking the magnesium in divided doses throughout the day will prevent this side affect. Getting enough magnesium in your foods is the best way to get your minimum daily requirements, however, most of us do not eat the proper foods. Here are some of the foods high in magnesium to add to your diet.
Fortified cereals and breads made from whole-grain. Cereals such as: All Bran, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran, and Wheat Germ, Oat cereals and Cornflakes.
Legumes: Baked beans, Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas.
Nuts and seeds, such as, Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower kernels, Cashews and Pistachio nuts.
Vegetables: that will include the green leafy variety, spinach, white potatoes, broccoli and Avocados.
Seafood: Salmon, Shrimp, Scallops and Oysters.
Also include Tofu and Dates.
Of course not everyone will eat every one the foods mentioned above, but there is enough of a variety to eat a proper diet that will increase your intake of magnesium. It would still be wise to add a supplement to insure that you are getting the required daily minimum.
When taking your supplement, it is best to take it about one half hour before your meal. If you are taking 300 mgs or more daily, it is best to take it in divided doses. Taking it in divided doses throughout the day will prevent the side effect of diarrhea.
There are four different forms of magnesium.
1. Magnesium oxide. When this form is taken, do not use antacids as they will prevent it's
2. Magnesium sulfate: Found in Epsom salt and is used as a laxative.
3. Magnesium chloride: Comes in liquid form and should be diluted, and taken with food.
4.Magnesium citrate: An acidic form that is more easily absorbed.
When using a supplement, use a company with a good reputation. Read the label and check the source of the magnesium and use the guide above to guide you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold or garden marigold, has been used for centuries to heal wounds and skin irritations. Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, antifungal, antiviral, and immunostimulant properties making it useful for disinfecting and treating minor wounds, conjunctivitis, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed  skin, bruises, burns, athlete’s foot, acne, yeast infections, bee stings, diaper rashes, and other minor irritations and infections of the skin. Plus, it stimulates the production of collagen at wound sites to help minimize scarring and assist with stretch marks. This versatile botanical can be incorporated into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, ointments, massage oils, baths, facial steams, tinctures, and teas. It is also gentle enough to use for babies, children, or animals. Internally, gargling with Calendula infused water may ease a sore throat, sores in the mouth, and inflammations in the mouth and throat.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Remedies for Migraines

We would like to share three special tips about migraine headache remedy. None of them involves any prescription over the counter. Those tips are easy to learn, and most importantly, they are really effective.
1. Ginger root
Some sufferers find ginger so useful in treating the pain caused by migraine. All you need was to buy a piece of ginger root in a grocery store, cut them to many 1 inch slices and mix with some type of juice, it is of great use in preventing the migraine.
When a sudden migraine begins, you could grab one of those 1 inch ginger slice and starting chewing it. It is hot in favor but helps easing the pain in the head.
2. Peppermint Oil
This may cost you $10 for a small bottle, but it works for most migraine cases. Only a few drops of peppermint oil could last quite a long time for a normal migraine. You should apply the drops where the migraine occurs, your forehead, neck, etc.
Please do not apply too much near your temple and do not let the oil get anywhere near your eyes.
3. Take a Shower
This was specially offered to those young male migraine sufferers. We have several cases shown that the migraine sufferer chose to take a shower when he feels the migraine is on the way.
You could try 5 minutes of hot bath and then 5 minutes of cold bath, which is believed to have some effects of attention diversion and enhances the blood transfusion

Friday, August 5, 2011

Melatonin-A Natural sleep aid

When you choose to use a melatonin natural sleep aid, you will find that it is non habit forming, so if you're struggling to get sleep due to stress, pain or anxiety, you can safely take melatonin for as long as you need and not suffer from any adverse side effects.
You'll also find that using melatonin won't leave you with any groggy mornings, just a fresh, energized feeling of having gotten a good night of sleep. In addition to being wide awake, you might be excited to find out that you also won't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, because melatonin natural sleep aid will help you to stay asleep all night long.
Plus, when you choose to take a melatonin supplement, you'll find that you can actually improve your sleeplessness over time. This means that you're going to be helping your body to get back on it's own natural sleep cycle, so that over time, you won't even need to use your melatonin natural sleep aid anymore, because your body will be able to get to sleep with no problems at all.
When you're seeking a way to get to sleep that will help you get to sleep, stay asleep and function better every single day, then you should consider choosing to use a natural aid to help your body relax and give you the restful sleep that you really need. There's no reason to suffer through with sleepless nights when you can use a melatonin natural sleep aid

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Falling Asleep Naturally

Natural and Organic Sleep Aids
Here are some of the best natural sleep aids available:
  • Adding a drop of lavender oil on your pillow at night will help you fall asleep faster and you'll also sleep for longer. Lavender oil also works great in the bath. Sometimes taking a long soak in the bath with the essential oil will help you completely relax before bed.
  • Chamomile, which you can drink as a tea, has an great calming effect and increases better sleep.
  • Chinese medicines & acupuncture can also help you get a better night's sleep. Talk to your local Chinese naturopath, herbalist, or acupuncturist to setup a treatment plan to suit your needs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Herbs for Cats to improve immune system

For the most part the immune mechanism is a very efficient disease fighting machine. That said, sometimes it needs a little help. For these instances immune boosting herbs for cats are a natural way to accomplish this. Let's look at a few of the more well known herbs for supporting and bolstering cat immune defense.
*Echinacea: Without a doubt this is the most recognizable herb for cat immune system health. There are two common species Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea. The latter is the one most commonly used for its immune boosting capabilities in cats.
Among the most important immune stimulating components of Echinacea are the large polysaccharides, such as inulin, that among other things increase the production of immune chemicals that activate microphages (a large cell derived from a white blood cell). The result is an increase in immune defense activity.
In addition to being an excellent herb for cat immune health echinacea exerts direct antiviral activity and has been shown to prevent the spread of bacteria.
*Astragalus membranaceus: While the name is likely not one most people in the west recognize this herb has been used in Chinese medicine to support immune system health and fight viral infections for centuries.
Research studies with animals show that astragalus works by bolstering several factors in the immune system: phagocytic activity of monocytes and macrophages; interferon production and natural killercell activity; T-cell activity and other antiviral mechanisms. This valuable herb for cat immune system health seems to be particularly useful in cases where the immune system has been damaged by chemicals or disease (cancer).
In summary, there is good evidence to suggest that herbs for cat immune system function are a safe and effective way to both prevent illness and fight off existing disease. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Avoiding Mosquito bites naturally

Diet can play a very pivitol role in making oneself less attractive to the mosquitoes. Diets high in garlic (and garlic tablets) and B complex can actually change the extremely faint scent of an individual; thus making oneself less attractive to a hungry mosquito. Garlic literally does repel the vampires. Other herbs that are also important in repelling mosquitoes are: citronella, cedar, verbena, geranium, lavender, pine, cinnamon, rosemary, basil, thyme, allspice, and peppermint.
Vitamin B1 has a unique ability to create an obnoxious scent that stops mosquitoes in their tracks. Ingested orally each day, an individual can take 15mgs of B1 for every 30 pounds of body weight.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Arnica for sore muscles,sprains and bruising

Arnica is one of the premier herbs to soothe aching muscles and help bruising. A variant of the species that is native to the United States has been used by the American Indians as a healing ointment and in tinctures to relax stiff muscles and to treat wounds for almost as long. Arnica, since 1820, has been listed in the US Dispensatory and is listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia.
NOTE: Arnica is for external use only - It is TOXIC to use internally.
In Germany alone there are over 100 recipes to prepare healing lineaments and salves with arnica as the base ingredient. Arnica is one the important homeopathic remedies on the market today. In a German study it was found that the herb contains helenalin and dihydrohelenalin that produce effective anti inflammatory and analgesic properties. A simple liniment recipe is one ounce of flowers in one ounce of lard or oil boiled for several hours. Strain it and let it cool completely before using the dried salve.
Externally this herb is considered completely safe. Internally, however, it is a completely different story. Internally it is poisonous even in a tiny dose. Scientific studies have shown internally arnica affects the heart and circulatory systems. Additional studies have confirmed that arnica is toxic to the cardiac system. It is important to note that although the herb is considered safe externally, there are cases that the helenalin in some people causes an allergic type reaction of dermatitis. If this occurs, discontinue use.
The studies have shown that arnica's analgesic and anti inflammatory properties are only seen when the yellow - orange daisy like flower is heated and steeped over a period of time. That makes this another one of those must haves for the bathroom. Filling a small cheese cloth sack with the dried leaves and steeping it in hot bath water before settling in is a wonderful relaxation that truly is like getting a soft tissue massage as the muscles relax.
There are many prepared salves and ointments on the market from natural and health food stores alike that are prepared for you. This herb is one of the few that it does not matter if the plant is fresh or dried also making it a favorite of many herbalists.