Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Poison Ivy treatment

Poison Ivy is a poisonous shrub that grows in most of the Canadian Provinces and all the US states except Alaska, California and Hawaii. It is usually found in wooded areas around the perimeters or rocky exposed areas. In Mexico it can be found in mountainous areas. Poison ivy grows as a shrub in clusters and can reach up to 1.2 metres tall and is easily identified by its yellow flowers and white berries which are small, smooth and clustered. The leaves in young Poison Ivyare a reddish brown and come in various shapes and textures (thin, hairy, hairless, dull, shiny, toothed, not toothed).
Poison Ivy produces an alkaloid to use as a protection against foraging animals. This alkaloid known as urushiol is a skin irritant that is harmful to humans who come into direct contact with it. The reaction to Poison Ivy may not be immediate. Sometimes the symptoms don't appear until a week or so later.This makes it hard to detect especially in children.
A major symptom of coming into contact with Poison Ivy is severe itching. This itching doesn't cause the rash to spread even if the blisters ooze or become infected. The rash will appear only on the areas where the urushiol has been in direct contact with the skin. Some people develop the full blown rash whilst in others it may appear gradually and even look like a scratch or a bite at the onset.
The inflammation will turn into non-coloured bumps on the skin and then into red blisters that often run in straight lines or streaks from the point of contact, These blisters are caused by the affected blood vessels developing gaps that leak fluid through to the skin. If you come into direct contact with Poison Ivy at the first opportunity apply rubbing alcohol to the affected area then rinse with water. This should be followed by further washing with soap and water.
Calamine Lotion or Burrow's Solution has in the past been used to ease the discomfort and itching, although sometimes they are ineffective. In severe cases where the blisters ooze clear fluids, corticosteroids may be prescribed.
Dermatologist often look for natural remedies to ease the symptoms of Poison Ivy. Rapid redness or unusually high swellings are symptomatic of an allergic reaction to Poison. If this occurs consult your physician immediately and do not attempt any home remedies.
A poplar home remedy for Poison Ivy. Is oatmeal.Simply Mix the oat meal with water and bring to the boil, stirring continuously. Allow to thicken and cool down before applying a thick layer to the affected areas. Leave to dry and then apply additional layers. For extra relief from itching and oozing add a tablespoon of baking soda to the mixture.
Baking soda mixed to a thick paste in the ratio 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water can also be used to relief Poison Ivy symptoms. Apply to the rash and leave to dry.
White vinegar and apple cider vinegar appear to draw out the poison and give relief to Poison Ivy symptoms. when applied directly onto the rash and blisters
Of course prevention is always better than cure so if you are going into areas where Poison Ivy is likely to be found remain vigilant. Carry a small bottle of rubbing alcohol with you for immediate treatment, then wash off with any water. Do not use water alone as this may cause the poison to spread.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Arnica for muscle injury

Muscle injuries are one type of injury that has become something that is often taken to a doctor to be treated which is easily dealt with at home using a variety of natural treatments. From sprains to bruises, there are extremely effective treatments that can be done at home using treatments that have been known to work for thousands of years. One of the best treatments available for alleviating bruising, swelling, and pain associated with muscle injuries is a salve from the Arnica plant.
The roots of the Arnica Montana plant contain compounds derived from thymol which has a number of different functions including acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and pain reliever. Typically, Arnica is used as a topical gel which is rubbed onto the effected area which provides local pain relief and helps the body to reabsorb blood and other fluids which collect in the area.
Numerous medical studies have been conducted and Arnica has been proven to be more effective at healing bruising and relieving muscular pain than a number of more expensive pharmaceutical options. While Arnica is extremely effective at aiding the healing of sprains, strains, and bruises, it does have a number of drawbacks.
The first and most noticeable drawback with Arnica is its very unique odor. While individuals have different opinions as to what constitutes an unattractive odor, Arnica has a rather strong and very unique odor. The odor does not linger too long after the application but for the first hour or so, it is quite noticeable. Another downside is that the gel, the most common form of Arnica application, leaves a sticky residue.
Even with the minor drawbacks, Arnica is an extremely popular remedy among professional athletes for dealing with injuries sustained during play and it is often used in conjunction with ice by hemophiliacs as a means of reducing and eliminating bruising that can inhibit function. Next time you get a sprain or strain, consider avoiding the expensive medical bills and marginally effective prescription drugs and grab some ice and some Arnica. Chances are good your recovery will be faster, less painful, less expensive, and better for your body

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Benefits of Stinging Nettle

Here are 10 Health Benefits of Nettle:
1) Contains high amounts of Iron and is used to treat Anemia
2) Is used as a Diuretic
3) Treats Arthritis and Rheumatism
4) Helps Urinary and Respiratory Problems such as Asthma
5) Supports the Prostate
6) Boosts Energy, Stamina and Vitality
7) Prevents Hair Loss and Stimulates New Hair Growth
8) Improves Digestion
9) Benefits the skin in cases such as eczema and psoriasis
10) Supports the Liver
Stinging Nettle is also used to promote healing speed and also to help stop bleeding and cleanse the blood.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Stinging Nettles helps hair loss

Hair loss can be frustrating and embarrassing, especially if it happens at a young age. Balding may be due to the natural aging process, but it can also be hereditary or due to certain medications or medical conditions, stress, scalp infections, or poor nutrition. While there are no cures for balding there are ways to stop hair loss.
Both medical and herbal treatments can improve the growth and health of hair. Nettle is an herb that has been used for centuries to treat various conditions, including asthma, kidney infections, coughs, anemia and colds. Nettle roots and leaves have been used to lower blood pressure, speed up healing, and improve digestion. Despite its stinging hairs, nettle cooks up into a nutritious green, similar to spinach. Roman warriors brushed up against the plant to warm their legs. Today the most popular use of nettle is to treat hair loss.
Nettle grows two to three feet tall, and has dark green leaves. Tiny white stinging hairs cover parts of the plant, hence the nickname "stinging nettle." The plant has a mildly irritating effect, causing skin irritation or allergic reaction in some people. The plant's hairs contain active ingredients that act as gentle irritants and affect nerve cells, which is most likely what stimulates hair growth on people.
The roots and leaves of the nettle plant hold the valued natural properties. Nettle acts as a hair tonic and growth stimulant, restoring luster, color, and beauty to hair. It improves the health of skin, scalp, and hair; strengthens weakened hair follicles; and removes dandruff. The tingling or stinging sensation of the nettle increases blood flow, which is what improves hair growth. Nettle can be taken internally as a tea or tincture or fresh herb added to salads and other foods. Natural food stores carry nettle in tea bags, loose tea mixes, and capsules and as extracts. Many herbal hair products like shampoos and conditioners contain nettle for external application to the skin and scalp. Like many herbal treatments, nettle takes time to do its magic; it's not an overnight fix. Results vary among individuals, but people who frequently use nettle hair products often see results within three to six months.
Also like many herbs, nettle has side effects. Fresh nettle can cause irritation, hives, or an allergic reaction in susceptible people. Taken internally it can cause upset stomach, burning, bloating, and difficulty urinating. Because nettle causes water retention, internal use is not recommended for people with heart of kidney problems. Nettle, taken internally, can alter the menstrual cycle, making it an unwise choice for women who want to get pregnant. Nettle could also interact with medical treatments and medications. That's why it's important to consult a medical care provider before taking nettle internally.
While there is no surefire remedy for hair loss, many people have found that products made from or containing nettle do help stimulate the growth of hair. Using nettles in natural hair products, such as nettle shampoo, is a gentle way to promote hair growth without chemicals or expensive medical treatments.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Healthy Eyes

o Bilberry, a herb, is considered to be good for eye health as well as for the gastrointestinal tract. It contains anthocyanosides, which are antioxidants and help to increase blood circulation in the tiny blood vessels of the eyes. This helps to improve vision acuity and also allows the eyes to adjust rapidly to changing in the light frequencies. In addition, if you take the herb along with Vitamin E, it can help to slow down the progress of cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
o Vitamin A is essential for good vision, especially night vision, and for preventing onset of early cataracts.
o Grapeseed extract is extremely good for improving peripheral blood circulation in the eyes. It is also known to strengthen the capillaries present in the eyes.
o Eyebright is a herb that is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. You can make an infusion by soaking the herb in some warm water. Remove the herb and allow the water to cool. Use this liquid as an eyewash or cold compress. For cold compress, you would need to refrigerate the liquid.
o Omega-3 fatty acids help to combat dry eyes syndrome. You can get these acids from fish oil supplements. However, make sure that you take a good quality supplement. Take around 3 to 6 grams of fish oil supplement daily.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Alternative treatment of asthma

Here are some herbs and natural ingredients that have been studied to alleviate the conditions of asthma
- Vitamins and Oriental Herbs. It is widely believed that some Chinese herbs, like ding-chan tang, can decrease inflammation and relieve bronchospasm. Lab research has also shown that vitamin C helps alleviate the symptoms.
- Butterbur. This shrub grows perennially and can be found almost everywhere. This shrub has been noted a can be quite effective. This contains ingredients called petasin and isopetasin which are believed to help reduce muscle spasms and has potent anti inflammatory properties. .However, this particular herb should not be used by women who are either pregnant, or by those who suffer from either liver or kidney disease.
- Boswellia. More commonly referred to as Salai Guggal in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, this herb has been analyzed to aid in restricting the production of leukotrienes in the body. Leukotrienes are the compounds, when released in to the lungs, will cause the airways to become narrowed.
Asthma is a worrisome health condition that affects people in different ways. Each individual is unique in their degree of reactivity to environmental triggers. This naturally influences the type and dose of medication prescribed, which may vary from one individual to another.
Other alternative treatment modes also include Yoga. The breathing exercises utilized in yoga have been noted to help some asthmatics control breathing and relieve stress, a common asthma trigger, although no scientific evidence has yet been given to supports this.
Acupuncture has also been reported to aid in the treatment of asthma, however further studies are ongoing. In addition, learning to increase the amount of air inhaled, has effectively reduced fear and anxiety during an asthma attack for some.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Helping an astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition in which one or both eyes has a misshapen cornea. In a normal eye, the cornea is symmetrically curved. In an astigmatic eye, areas of the cornea are steeper or flatter than normal, causing areas of your vision to be blurred. Although astigmatism often occurs on its own, it can also occur in combination with nearsightedness or farsightedness.
Astigmatism is usually present from birth and tends to remain constant, neither improving nor deteriorating with time.
Signs and Symptoms
Blurred areas in the field of vision of one or both eyes
Distorted vision in one or both eyes, typically when looking at vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines
Conventional Medical Treatment
An ophthalmologist or optometrist can diagnose astigmatism with a thorough examination. Corrective glasses or contact lenses are usually prescribed to counteract the unevenness of one or both corneas. Lenses also can be made to address a combination of astigmatism and nearsighted­ness or farsightedness.
Complementary and Alternative Treatments
Nutrition and Supplementation
Nutritionists encourage adequate intake of nutrients necessary for healthy eye function. Protein (found in meat, eggs, poultry, and fish) and vitamin A (found in yellow fruits and vegetables) are required for proper eye function.
Include the following daily supplements to maintain healthy eye function:
Most Important
vitamin C (5000 IU)
vitamin B complex (100 mg), supplemented with vitamin B2 (50 mg)
vitamin A (10,000 to 15,000 IU; do not exceed 8000 IU daily if you are pregnant)
vitamin E (400 IU)
zinc (20 to 25 mg)
Also Recommended
calcium and magnesium (standard dose)
chromium (300 mcg)
omega 3 and 6 and DHA capsules (as directed on label)
grape seed extract (as directed on label)
(Consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture- Chinese practitioners believe that most vision disorders are due to impaired liver functioning, so an acupuncturist may treat astigmatism by working to strengthen the liver and restore energy imbalances associated with that organ. Commonly used acupoints in the treatment of astigmatism include Bladder 1, Stomach 1, Liver 4, and Triple Warmer 6.
Studies indicate that stress may actually aggravate or promote astigmatism in children, so acupuncture may be used to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation, thereby reducing the severity of the ailment.
Acupressure -To help prevent an astigmatic condition from worsening, an acupressure practitioner may work on points around the eyes, nose temples, and cheeks.
Chinese Herbal Therapy -Consult a qualified Chinese medical practitioner regarding treatment. Frequently, herbs are used to treat liver problems, which are believed to be associated with astigmatism.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Is There A Natural Kidney Stone Remedy That Really Works?

A Kidney stone remedy can be natural and does not have to be surgical or medicinal. These are simple treatments that can be readily prepared at home without the need to spend a lot of money. Most stone sufferers prefer this way because it is safe, effective and cheap. This will usually works for stones that are smaller in size and will let them naturally pass out of the body.

A kidney stone remedy comes in a long list of natural options for you and can include the following:

1. Magnesium.

This can be taken from foods such as avocado, beans, walnuts and apples. It all helps in the prevention of stone formation.

2. Lemon.

It contains the highest level of citrates which is a natural agent that breaks the stones into smaller pieces.

3. Water.

This is one of the most prescribed natural home treatments to dissolve and pass out the stones quickly. Increased water intake will keep your body hydrated and your urine clean and clear from other substances.

4. Coconut water.

This will naturally break the stones up and let them pass out of the body.

5. Olive oil.

This is normally mixed with water and lemon juice. It gives instant relief within 24 hours and already works well for a lot of stone sufferers.

6. Chinese herbs.

Chicken Bone Grass is a herbal medicine that most Chinese practitioners often prescribe to treat both the stones in the kidney and gall bladder.

7. Orange juice.

A daily glass of orange juice will help prevent stones from coming back.

8. Onions.

These are cooked and blended and served as a drink for 3 days. This remedy is quite effective for many stone sufferers.

9. Pomegranate.

This is cooked as soup and is also good for treating the stones.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't Give Up on Hair Loss Treatments Yet - Here Are 6 of the Best Natural Hair Growth Remedies

Natural hair restoration remedies are in abundance for those of you who would prefer to achieve regrowth of hair naturally, and heal your body from the inside out. All of the ingredients are healthy, natural and cheap, readily available from your local market, health food stores. Cut out the expense of surgical procedures and try these herbal remedies for hair regrowth.

Aloe Vera

We all know that Aloe Vera Gel or Lotion - this is easAloe Vera contains properties that are great for healing our skin from cuts and burns. But did you know it contains enzymes that also promote hair growth? It is probably one of the best herbal remedies for hair regrowth and you can use it many different ways:ily available from your local health-food store. Make sure its purity is no less than 99.9%. You can apply it directly to your scalp daily. Leave on for between 30-45mins and rinse out Aloe Vera Shampoo - You can make your own shampoo, combining Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk. This can be used daily as your staple shampoo In its natural state - you can also buy the plant for your home, which is relatively cheap! Instead of the gel, you can take a few leaves off, cut them open and massage the pulp and juice onto your scalp. Rinse off after 30 mins

Wild Yam Root

This one is just for you ladies! Wild Yam Root promotes hair growth in women...and women only. The root produces Progesterone in your body, which not only balances the production of hormones, but also treats several menopausal symptoms, including hair loss. It makes a great natural hair restoration remedy and fortunately, it is available in many forms:

Orally - via liquid extract, tablets or capsules. Normal doses of wild yam are 2 capsules three times a day or as a tincture, 40 - 120 drops, three times daily As a herbal tea - steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried root in 8 oz of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes


For those of you that don't know already, onions are an excellent source for its cleansing, antibacterial and stimulation effects on the scalp. Containing a high number of important vitamins and minerals, onions are extremely effective in regenerating hair follicles, scalp circulation and stimulating hair growth. Here's how best to experience this herbal remedy for hair growth:

Peel the skin off one large onion and place into a juicer. If you don't own a juicer, you can try a blender Massage the juice into the scalp and onto the roots of your hair, specifically in the thinning and balding area Leave there to sit for at least 1 hour Follow this with your regular shampoo and conditioner Repeat this twice a day and you should see the start of hair growth within two weeks


Not only is it perfect for adding that bit of extra flavour to your spicy meals, but garlic is also brilliant in its ability to remove harmful toxins stimulate blood circulation, essential for hair growth and preventing hair from shedding. So how best to take it:

Garlic Extract - odourless garlic extract supplements are available form any health-food store. It's advised to take 1-6 daily, preferably with meals In natural form - adding 1 garlic clove for added flavor in meals

Emu Oil

Emu oil is obtained from Emu fat and has been proven to regenerate inactive hair follicles. Studies have reported that Emu oil revitalizes skin cells on the scalp and produce up to 80% hair regrowth naturally. Emu oil can be applied topically to the balding/thinning area and deeply massaged into the scalp. Leave it on for 10-20mins and immediately follow up with your regular shampoo. You don't need to rinse the oil off first.

Essential Oils

There are many essential oils that promote natural hair regrowth by stimulating the hair follicles. The following recipe contains the most effective herbal oils for hair growth

Hair Oil Recipe

3 drops of essential oil of thyme, lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, 20ml of grapeseed oil and 20ml of jojoba oil Mix the ingredients together and massage 6-15 drops into your scalp and hair for 3-5 minutes every night, paying particular attention to the balding/thinning area Cover your hair in either a warm towel or plastic shower cap for at least 45mins for your scalp to generate heat and absorb the oils. If applying at night, you can sleep with the oils on overnight Wash out with your regular shampoo


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Need Hair Loss Remedies Now!

Unfortunately, in today's world, hair loss remedies come with hefty price tags, sometimes painful surgical procedures, ingestion of tablets, and the application of topical products. There is also a growing interest in herbal hair loss remedies for ingestion, but just how much of it is useful and how much is hocus pocus? There are literally millions of the people worldwide who suffer from hair loss and this is the reason why the hair loss business is a billion dollar industry.

But if you find yourself thinning a bit on top just STOP for a minute before you rush out and start searching and spending on hair loss remedies. It's essential to pinpoint the cause of your hair loss before you do anything. It's not possible to find a cure until first you know the cause of the problem.

If you're losing your hair because of stress, (which is quite common these days), then giving yourself some time out to rest and relax could be the best hair loss remedy available to you. If you are convinced it's not stress related, then you should educated yourself so you're able to make an informed decision regarding the hair loss products out there. Believe me, there's some real useless snake oil hiding among the genuine and effective hair loss remedies that are available on the market today, so get to know your products.

There's also a chance that some of you will never find a hair loss remedy if you're one of the many millions world wide who experience male pattern baldness. Some products work for some people, but there needs to be a cut off point where a number of you might need to throw the towel in and simply learn to accept what you cannot change.

Despite what many of these miracle cures claim on the side of the bottles, there's not one single known cure for all. If there was, then we'd all know about it and there wouldn't be a shiny patch anywhere on the planet. Although these natural herbal hair loss remedies are becoming ever popular, I still have my doubts. If they are working so well according to the supposed 'real customer reviews', then why don't we hear a lot more about them from the medical professionals?

If there is a pattern of male balding in your family, but it hasn't struck you yet, then giving your hair the care it deserves while you still have it, may enable you to avoid hair loss altogether, and could help your manly mane stay healthy and looking good for years to come.

An effective hair loss prevention technique is supplementing your diet with the vitamins and nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. Another allegedly effective home remedy for loss of hair is the application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots, but as mentioned previously, there are no miracle cures. Some things work for some people but there's nothing that works for all.

I do have one friend who applies a daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with lime water and lime juice on his hair. He's been doing this since his mid twenties and swears that this prevents loss of hair and also strengthens it! As he still has all his hair at 42 years, who knows if he would be bald today without his regime of preventative measures, but he does point out that he's the only male on both his mother's and his father's side of the family that hasn't gone bald after 30.

There's no harm in trying preventative measures, and there's no harm in trying a few cures either, but don't hurt yourself by aimlessly chasing products for years and years. Try a few by all means, but if nothing appears to be working, then there needs to come a point in time when you have to let it go and accept your loss and just get on with life. You'll be much happier as a result, and so will those around you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The benefits of garlic

Ethnobotanist James Duke, Ph.D., one of the world’s leading experts in medicinal plants, places garlic among the best all-around plant medicines in the world. According to Duke’s seminal book, The Green Pharmacy, garlic is effective for alleviating conditions ranging from high cholesterol and high blood pressure to yeast infections and clotting disorders. Garlic compounds have the potential to help treat more than 200 ailments, Duke says. It’s the best overall plant for stimulating the immune system, the best anti-clotting herb, one of the best anti-fungals, and potentially useful for preventing heart disease and cancer.