Saturday, June 25, 2011

Arnica for muscle injury

Muscle injuries are one type of injury that has become something that is often taken to a doctor to be treated which is easily dealt with at home using a variety of natural treatments. From sprains to bruises, there are extremely effective treatments that can be done at home using treatments that have been known to work for thousands of years. One of the best treatments available for alleviating bruising, swelling, and pain associated with muscle injuries is a salve from the Arnica plant.
The roots of the Arnica Montana plant contain compounds derived from thymol which has a number of different functions including acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and pain reliever. Typically, Arnica is used as a topical gel which is rubbed onto the effected area which provides local pain relief and helps the body to reabsorb blood and other fluids which collect in the area.
Numerous medical studies have been conducted and Arnica has been proven to be more effective at healing bruising and relieving muscular pain than a number of more expensive pharmaceutical options. While Arnica is extremely effective at aiding the healing of sprains, strains, and bruises, it does have a number of drawbacks.
The first and most noticeable drawback with Arnica is its very unique odor. While individuals have different opinions as to what constitutes an unattractive odor, Arnica has a rather strong and very unique odor. The odor does not linger too long after the application but for the first hour or so, it is quite noticeable. Another downside is that the gel, the most common form of Arnica application, leaves a sticky residue.
Even with the minor drawbacks, Arnica is an extremely popular remedy among professional athletes for dealing with injuries sustained during play and it is often used in conjunction with ice by hemophiliacs as a means of reducing and eliminating bruising that can inhibit function. Next time you get a sprain or strain, consider avoiding the expensive medical bills and marginally effective prescription drugs and grab some ice and some Arnica. Chances are good your recovery will be faster, less painful, less expensive, and better for your body

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