Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home remedies for heartburn - extinguishing the fire

Medical findings revealed that approximately 20% of people - worldwide - are affected by the disease, commonly called heartburn about once a week here. Among those individuals afflicted with the disease of heartburn, there are a considerable number of people who suffer repeatedly with the adverse effects of this condition. With so many suffering with this condition, it is therefore understandable that affected individuals are looking for effective home remedies for heartburn.

Heartburn is often a symptom of the condition gastro esophageal reflux disease also labeled as acid reflux disease. Medical terminology classifies this generally chronic condition i as GERD. The symptoms associated with sufferers of the disease, or GERD, esophageal reflux disease include heartburn; pain in the chest , especially at night;  bad taste in mouth ; cough; hoarseness. sore throat. and wheezing. These afflictions  are symptomatic and associated with accompanying gastro esophageal reflux and encourage sick people to be looking for effective home remedies for heartburn.

As a prelude to treating their affliction with heartburn home remedies, it is recommended that they be diagnosed and evaluated to confirm gastro esophageal reflux disease and heartburn . Gastro esophageal reflux  can  sometimes evolve into considerable complications, which may include conditions such as Barrett's bleeding esophageal, esophagitis, strictures, as well as  the possibility of developing esophageal cancer . Sufferers,  after approval of their respective doctors can move forward towards the search for alternative modes of heartburn home remedies. It is extremely useful to keep a log  as to what foods and drinks trigger the  attacks of heartburn.

Food and beverages that trigger  attacks include alcoholic beverages, black pepper, the soft drinks, chocolate, citrus fruits, citrus juice, coffee, fatty foods, garlic, peppermint, raw, green Mint, spicy food onions and tomatoes.

For the prevention of heartburn, it is recommended that one does not retire to bed after eating. Individuals suffering from heartburn need a period of three to four hoursto ensure that their rthat their system can properly digest the last meal of the day.

Another in a series of preventive home remedies is to eat smaller portions, so as to allow ease in digestion.

One of the preventive medicine home remedies  for chronic heartburn is to change their eating habits. Eat in a more relaxed setting  and allow those concerned  to focus on nutrition, taste and enjoy food and beverage. It is highly recommended to chew at a slower pace for greater digestion.


Top of the list of home remedies is the reduction of stress. Statistics show that chronic sufferers of heartburn lead a fast-paced lifestyle which include stress at work. Such combined stress accelerates the symptoms of heartburn.

For smokers who suffer from heartburn associated remedies it is important to note that smoking weakens the lower part of the esophageal,sphincter which is composed of a group of muscles located in the lower part of the esophagus. When these muscles become tired, it shuts down the esophagus, which, in turn, impedes stomach contained acids from entering into the esophagus.

Among   the variety of home remedies, it has been reported that drinking a quarter cup of the juice of aloe vera 20 minutes before eating a meal with the consumption of marshmallows,  will act as a lining  of the stomach, provided that the afflicted person does not have  diabetes because of the sugar content.


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