Friday, May 6, 2011

How to cure astigmatism naturally

What is astigmatism and can it be cured naturally! Astigmatism occurs when the eyeball is losing its roundness and vision begins to deform. The eyes are never perfectly round so we all have astigmatism to a certain extent. They are in constant evolution.

Astigmatism produced from time to time, and some people may even produce this condition at will. This can be caused by pulling on the lid of the eye that causes vision problems. The eyes will usually repair themselves in a few hours or sometimes days. This problem may be hidden and your eyes never healed when you wear the artificial lens.

Astigmatism is usually caused by unequal tension in the muscles around the eyes through mental strain. When your vision becomes blurred or distorted, it is a sign that your eyes need to relax and take just easy. Most of the time, we just ignore these signs.

Some of the things you can do to relax are stop what you are doing and take a quick break. Relax your neck and face leaving your head and eyes to move more freely. Look away from what you focus on and focus on objects around the room. Your eyes give a chance to move and view objects very far and then close once more.

If you are at home, doing exercise swinging front of a window. If possible, on the bottom and let someone swing a pendulum over your head so that your eyes can focus on that object and move back and forth. To function correctly, your eyes need to move. Look all right to do something for hours at a time can be very difficult. This is why it is preferable to take short breaks and walk around.

Eating healthy can always improve your health and your view. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Always remember to keep your eyes moving and take breaks often. This can help to heal naturally astigmatism.


1 comment:

  1. Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. See the link below for info.

