Thursday, December 6, 2012

Canine Arthritis

Dog arthritis is a sad condition to have to witness your dog endure and this is because it is a condition that seems to sap them of their life and vitality, by leaving them in constant pain and restricting their mobility. This article will outline some dog arthritis remedies that you can start using straight away, to stop the pain of arthritis and get your dog back to in good health and spirits.

Heat Treatments - Just like arthritis in humans if joints in dogs are cold they will become more painful as the cold will aggravate the condition and joint further. So to remedy this if your dog is suffering from arthritis you should move them in from the cold and consider investing in some dog clothes and a hot water bottle, which can be applied to the affected joints. This dog arthritis remedy in itself can act to greatly reduce the pain and swelling of your dogs affected joints.

Joint Supplements - The main cause of arthritis is the degeneration of the joint tissue and this is more often than not the breakdown of cartilage. This is can cause the ends of the bone to rub against each other which is very painful for your dog, and causes the swelling. There are supplements that are available that have been clinically proven to promote the growth of the joint cartilage as well as promoting the production of the synovial fluid (the lubricating fluid in joints). If an effective supplement is used for your dog then it can act as a very potent dog arthritis remedy and you can expect the causes of the arthritis to be remedied and your dogs life and movement to return to normal.

So if you utilise a combination of these two method's of heat treatment in the short term and the use of supplements in the long term in combination they can prove to be very effective remedies for dog arthritis, to get your furry friend acting like their normal pain free self again.

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