Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reiki - natural healing Technique

Reiki or pronounced as "rei - ki" is an ancient natural healing technique. It was rediscovered after more than a hundred years in the Japan, China and even India. "Reiki is a combination or two Japanese words, ' Rei", which means spiritual or universal and the word "ki" means force or life. Therefore, all this would mean "Force universal" or "Spiritual life".

The Chinese use it as much as Japanese; in fact they are using it so far. Reiki in Chinese would be called "tai chi" or ' IQ

This ancient healing technique believes that force universal or spiritual life is within us all and everywhere. In addition, she believes that everyone has a way of entering or connect to it, but have learn to let the stream of force or energy of the universe for us.

Reiki can seem magical or spiritual and all that, but it is true and proven effective. In fact, it's better than synthetic and healing of high technology or treatment techniques. It is safe and a natural healing techniques used.

It's good for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki, therapist or one who makes raises his hand on the body, allows the energy or force flow from the universe of the body of the person thus increase energy and thus to stimulate the body to heal itself on its own course.

There are many benefits to "reiki" such as; It reduces blood pressure, you relieves pain, stimulates the immune system because it relieves stress and gives you a deep sense of relaxation resulting in peaceful mind, better sleep and positive attitude in life. Also, it slows aging and removes blockade of energy, and in fact feel you living, dynamic and joyful.

Anyone can learn Reiki and heal other too. Must be for you, but to believe in power and the universal force. You must put into practice how free you from all the blocking of the energy and let the universal force flows in you before you can perform "reiki" to others.


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