Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glaucoma can be cured naturally?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. Glaucoma is due to the increased pressure of the eye. In conventional medicine, most eye doctors recommend surgery and eye drops to relieve the high ocular pressure in the eye.

However, there is a problem: the eye drops and surgical interventions would create a chronic condition, quite ironically lead to the ultimate blindness.

Dr. Leslie Salov, M.D., Ph.d. O.D., in his book "Secrets for better Vision", says that most of the patients with glaucoma are highly intelligent professionals who lead a very stressful and busy life. This finding has led Dr. Salov to believe that to improve the health of the vision or eyes, you need to improve the health of your whole person simultaneously because your body is a set of interlaced systems that affect one another. Given that the whole is greater that the sum of its parts, your eyes are only a small part of your whole person. Accordingly, to heal the eyes, you heal the body first. This is all just that simple!

To have a good vision, even as you age, you must employ not only science of Physiology, biology and chemistry, but also the powers of healing philosophy and spirituality even. This is no exception when it comes to treat glaucoma. In other words, to treat glaucoma, you must consider not only your eyes, but all aspects of your life.

Recommended by Dr. Salov glaucoma treatment methods include the following:

Visualization is the meditative exercise use by your mind to control your body to heal itself. More specifically, visualization relaxes the muscles in the walls of your canal of Schlemm (circular channel in the eye that collects aqueous substance between the lens and the cornea). By releasing these muscles, additional fluid may be excreted to relieve pressure from glaucoma. The use of drops ophthalmic serves a similar function, but the only difference is that chronic use of eye drops may have negative effects in the long term. These effects include pieces of iris falling, causing blocking and thus contributed to increase the pressure of the eye in the long term. Without the help of the eyes with chemical drops, visualization can relax the eye muscles so that your students become small enough to open the canal of Schlemm to excrete fluid for relief of ocular pressure.

So, what exactly is visualization?

Visualization is the use of imaging guided to direct blood and leukocytes (immune cells) oxygen to the eye with a mental image of a healthy eye. Essentially, your conscious mind control involuntary processes occur automatically within your body. However, it must be pointed out that visualization works only when you use it with dedication and consistency. In other words, you must practice visualization with due diligence.

Another treatment recommended by Dr. Salov is meditation, which removes your daily stress and worry. When you are under stress, and stress, you body produces chemical changes in your body, which reduced level of oxygen and blood flow. Practise meditation, which is the art of thinking of nothing.

Deep, slow breathing with your diaphragm, helped by good posture, are deep cleansing for the body and spirit. Deep breathing promotes better health of the vision through relaxation and detoxification.

According to Dr. Salov, your diet can also help to heal your glaucoma. Food non-viande is strongly recommended because the antibiotics, chemical dyes and growth hormones in meat of supermarket damage your immune system, but also the health of your eyes. Without strong immunity, your eyes may not use their natural healing elements.

In conclusion, your body has its own healing forces, but the problem is how to harness these forces. For a better vision health, you must be ready to change your environment, lifestyle and habits of life. Vision health cannot be achieved without total health. There is a Chinese proverb: "the eye is the window of the soul." Your vision health reflects your physical health. If you believe that Glaucoma can be cured naturally, and then look beyond your eyes.


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