Thursday, March 31, 2011

How oil of oregano can replace artificial drugs with natural alternative solution


The curative properties of oil of oregano would be interesting to anyone who understands the natural healing. Oil of oregano can help the ability to strike a balance between metabolism and strengthen the vital centres of the body to go hand in hand with its powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and pest control properties.

It can also be applied directly on the skin to combat fungal infections of the nails, foot of athlete, psoriasis and other skin diseases stubborn. Or you can ingest it by mouth to take advantage of the antiseptic properties healing internal.

It has been said that the germ killer features are powerful enough that wastewater can be sterilized. Oregano oil is also a powerful anaesthetic on a par with the powerful analgesics such as morphine.

It has also been shown to help asthma, chronic bronchitis, colds, digestion problems, flu, mental disease, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, warts, muscle pain, and arthritis to name a few.

Two volatile oils are the active ingredients of oregano, Thymol and Carvacrol. The carvacrol is a highly effective antimicrobial, food preservative, and also an antifugal. Thymol has antiseptic properties and is also a natural fungicide. That is why it is one of the key ingredients in mouthwash national mark, as the Listerine for one.

The list of the benefits of oregano oil seems to have no end. It can be used in a shampoo to kill lice. Sniffing clears the head. It facilitates the healing of the open cuts and scraps when topical and contributes to the ease of sore muscles when used with a deep muscle massage.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glaucoma can be cured naturally?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. Glaucoma is due to the increased pressure of the eye. In conventional medicine, most eye doctors recommend surgery and eye drops to relieve the high ocular pressure in the eye.

However, there is a problem: the eye drops and surgical interventions would create a chronic condition, quite ironically lead to the ultimate blindness.

Dr. Leslie Salov, M.D., Ph.d. O.D., in his book "Secrets for better Vision", says that most of the patients with glaucoma are highly intelligent professionals who lead a very stressful and busy life. This finding has led Dr. Salov to believe that to improve the health of the vision or eyes, you need to improve the health of your whole person simultaneously because your body is a set of interlaced systems that affect one another. Given that the whole is greater that the sum of its parts, your eyes are only a small part of your whole person. Accordingly, to heal the eyes, you heal the body first. This is all just that simple!

To have a good vision, even as you age, you must employ not only science of Physiology, biology and chemistry, but also the powers of healing philosophy and spirituality even. This is no exception when it comes to treat glaucoma. In other words, to treat glaucoma, you must consider not only your eyes, but all aspects of your life.

Recommended by Dr. Salov glaucoma treatment methods include the following:

Visualization is the meditative exercise use by your mind to control your body to heal itself. More specifically, visualization relaxes the muscles in the walls of your canal of Schlemm (circular channel in the eye that collects aqueous substance between the lens and the cornea). By releasing these muscles, additional fluid may be excreted to relieve pressure from glaucoma. The use of drops ophthalmic serves a similar function, but the only difference is that chronic use of eye drops may have negative effects in the long term. These effects include pieces of iris falling, causing blocking and thus contributed to increase the pressure of the eye in the long term. Without the help of the eyes with chemical drops, visualization can relax the eye muscles so that your students become small enough to open the canal of Schlemm to excrete fluid for relief of ocular pressure.

So, what exactly is visualization?

Visualization is the use of imaging guided to direct blood and leukocytes (immune cells) oxygen to the eye with a mental image of a healthy eye. Essentially, your conscious mind control involuntary processes occur automatically within your body. However, it must be pointed out that visualization works only when you use it with dedication and consistency. In other words, you must practice visualization with due diligence.

Another treatment recommended by Dr. Salov is meditation, which removes your daily stress and worry. When you are under stress, and stress, you body produces chemical changes in your body, which reduced level of oxygen and blood flow. Practise meditation, which is the art of thinking of nothing.

Deep, slow breathing with your diaphragm, helped by good posture, are deep cleansing for the body and spirit. Deep breathing promotes better health of the vision through relaxation and detoxification.

According to Dr. Salov, your diet can also help to heal your glaucoma. Food non-viande is strongly recommended because the antibiotics, chemical dyes and growth hormones in meat of supermarket damage your immune system, but also the health of your eyes. Without strong immunity, your eyes may not use their natural healing elements.

In conclusion, your body has its own healing forces, but the problem is how to harness these forces. For a better vision health, you must be ready to change your environment, lifestyle and habits of life. Vision health cannot be achieved without total health. There is a Chinese proverb: "the eye is the window of the soul." Your vision health reflects your physical health. If you believe that Glaucoma can be cured naturally, and then look beyond your eyes.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Naturally healing with essential oils

More more people are concerned about safety and side effects of prescription drugs and medicines. And break-up of health going - on the Congress of United States, and the high cost of health care generally, people are looking for alternative forms of healing. A type of alternative medicine which is gaining in popularity is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is simply the healing of diseases naturally using the own body, natural capabilities triggered by the smell of certain chemical compounds contained in the essential oils of healing plant.

Essential oils are the essence of a plant, distilled and concentrated. Gasoline can be extracted from the authorization, flowers or even the whole and processed plant in oil. These oils are then used as a treatment of various ailments. The oils can be used directly by the application on the skin, can be mixed with carrier oils and transformed into lotions, creams or massage oils, can be taken internally, or can be used with a diffuser to spread the aroma of the plant in a room.

Some common used for healing essential oils are:

Lavender oil: is it made from the flowers of the plant and is known to have a calming effect. It is a good choice for someone who has difficulty in relaxing or suffers from insomnia. A few drops of oil of lavender on a pillow at night can help calm nerves and make it easier to sleep.

Lemon essential oil: is it made of leaves or flowers of the lemon tree. Lemon is known for its cleaning and properties when used as on the skin, it may help to oily skin which in turn helps control acne. It can also be used to help relieve headaches.

Ylang Ylang, essential oil: this scented oil has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac to help cure impotence and frigidity. Used in a diffuser in the bedroom, it can trigger romantic fires.

Natural oils are powerful agents and as such, they must be treated with care. Keep them out of reach of children and pregnant women or nursing mothers should consult a physician before use. However, for the most part, these oils are safe with very few side effects.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Surviving radiation

One of my favorite herbalists wrote this in 2002 and shared it again this week. Her name is Susan Weed and here is what she has to say:
We are adapted to survive mild exposures to radiation. After all, the sun is a kind of controlled nuclear bomb and it releases a lot of radiation. Of course, this radiation, and man-made radiation, can also cause cancer and a host of short- and long-term health problems.
Whether you are worried about the radiation from dental x-rays, a mammogram, or fallout, here are some Wise Woman Ways to help you stay healthy. (If you are using radioactive therapies in your cancer treatment, there is a chapter full of information specifically for you in Breast Cancer~ Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way.)
~ Japanese researchers found that diets high in carotenes significantly reduced DNA damage in humans exposed to radiation. Supplements of beta-carotene (or of vitamins C or E) did not show this effect. Eating lots of orange and dark green foods (sweet potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, kale, collards, chard, and spinach, for example) can protect you from radiation-induced cancers.
~ Envision yourself and all your cells protected from damage. (One woman wrapped herself in psychic lead.)
~ Guinea pigs bombarded with radiation lived a lot longer if they ate broccoli or cabbage. All cabbage family plants - including arugula, turnips, radishes, cauliflower, mustard greens, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, broccoli d'rappe, kale, collards, and of course broccoli - protect your cells from the damaging effects of radiation.
~ Choose an image, an icon, something meaningful to you, as a focusing agent. Put your affirmations, blessings, prayers, visualizations, and healing love into it, for easy access when you need help.
~ Miso broth is the classic food for prevention of radiation damage. There’s twice the protection if a quarter-ounce/5 grams of dried kelp seaweed is added to the soup. In scientific studies, seaweed was able to neutralize radioactive isotopes in the human body. Researchers at McGill University say radioactive strontium binds to the algin in brown seaweeds to create sodium alginate, a compound easily and harmlessly excreted. Common black tea exhibited the same anti-radiation effects in several Japanese studies.
~ In Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins (Vitality, 1991), Steven Schecter tells us that both black and green tea showed "radioprotective effects" whether taken before or after exposure to radiation. Among other modes of operation, tea catechins absorb radioactive isotopes and remove them from the body before they do damage. The action is similar he says, to that of sodium alginate (the "active ingredient" in kelp seaweed).
~ Eating any amount of reishii (a mushroom) reduces damage from radiation.
~ St. Joan’s/John's wort oil protects my skin from radiation damage. I use it as my only sunscreen (and I am outside a lot) and find it not only immediately effective in preventing and treating sunburn, but even more protective with continuing use over years.
~ Burdock root (Arctium lappa) removes radioactive isotopes from the body. A dose is 1-4 ounces/300-120 grams of cooked fresh root, up to a pint of infusion daily, or several large spoonfuls of vinegar (but only if made with fresh roots).
~ Dried beans, especially lentils can reverse DNA damage done by radiation. So can red clover (Trifolium pratense) and astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) - two powerful members of the legume (bean) family.
~ Homeopathic remedies can be taken before and after exposure to radiation: Plumbum (lead) is said to help those who feel overwhelmed and in need of protection. Belladonna is used to prevent and relieve radiation burns and pains - even long after the immediate exposure.
Recipe for "Anti-Radiation Easy Meal" is on page 308 in Breast Cancer~ Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way.
~ Selenium protects DNA from radiation damage and helps prevent damage to the skin surface, too. Get plenty of selenium by eating a daily dose of 2 cups/500 ml of nettle infusion, one-half ounce/15 g kelp, 2 ounces/60 g cooked burdock root, or 1 cup/250 ml organic yogurt daily. Shellfish, green and black teas, and garlic contain significant amounts of selenium, as do many mushrooms. The best sources however are nettles (2200 mcg per 100 grams), kelp (1700 mcg/100 g), burdock (1400 mcg/100 g), catnip (Nepeta cataria), ginseng, Siberian ginseng, and astragalus.
~ In clinical trial with humans, those who took ginseng extract (Panax quinquefolium) for thirty days following exposure to radiation showed hastened recovery from injuries to their bone marrow, organs, skin, and blood cells according to Paul Bergner in The Healing Power of Ginseng, The Enlightened Person's Guide, Prima, 1996. He quotes Japanese researcher Dr M. Yonezawa as saying that "ginseng appears to be the most useful agent available for protection against radiation damage."
~ It’s important to keep yourself well nourished if you are exposed to radiation. Make it a habit to drink at least two big cups of nourishing herbal infusion daily. Nettles, red clover, and violet leaves supply generous amounts of the nutrients you need most: protein and minerals, especially potassium and zinc.

For best results, do not use capsules of the herbs mentioned in this article. Instead, cook with them (kelp, astragalus, Siberian ginseng, ginseng, reishii, and burdock), brew nourishing herbal infusions with them (nettles, red clover, astragalus, burdock, catnip, and ginseng), make mineral-rich vinegars with them (nettles, burdock, catnip, ginseng, and astragalus), or take a high-quality non-standardized tincture of them (burdock, ginseng, Siberian ginseng, astragalus).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The immune system can have an Impact on asthma and Allergies?

Every human being has a natural immune system. It is composed of, among others, tears, mucus, cough, stomach acid, skin, white blood cells. These ingredients are continually at work, to counteract the harmful substances as antigens - harmful chemicals, bacteria, viruses - create diseases and conditions.

Medical profession recognizes that many diseases such as psoriasis, asthma, allergies, arthritis have their root cause in an immune system weakened or low impaired.

The immune system can be improved through a series of measures such as regular dose of mineral supplements,  vitamin c in appropriate quantity and a food plan that is heavy on vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in protein. A regular intake of foods rich in fatty acids Omega-3 and pulses and a strict no. - no alcohol, saturated fats will help much. It should be supported by:

* Exercise
* relaxation
* rest
Positive mind

Do you have a weak immune system? Then you need to protect you from the radiation and too much sunlight. You should also avoid a diet that is high on cholesterol. No, not only that you should also avoid pollutants industrial, pesticides, herbicides, stress, prescription drugs, grease, alcohol, fried foods, food additives.

You should also remember that there is no magic formula to improve the immune system. Time taken to achieve this, it will be different for each individual. Someone who has been exposed to the immuno-suppressant in a masterly manner, will take more time to build his immune system at appropriate levels. Allergy and asthma drugs are known to have toxic side effects that cause lower the immune system. Thus, to avoid them if you suffer from their share.

Much medical research has been done on a natural cure for allergies and asthma. Many natural supplements is available to help you eliminate these diseases.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

2 Wonderful food to Burn Fat and improve your immune system

Ginger and cinnamon are 2 wonderful and most searched fat burning food to improve the health of your immune system. If you are among the large number of people around the world struggling to destroy your ugly belly fat, you will be pleased to learn that there is food to burn fat quickly and safely.

Ginger, the underground stem of the plant Zingiber officinale has been used as a medicinal food in African, Asian, Indian and Arab herb since ancient traditions. Ginger has been used to facilitate digestion and treat stomach, diarrhea, nausea for over 2,000 years.

Ginger has also been used to help treat arthritis, colic, diarrhea, heart problems and stimulating system immune health. These medicinal uses, ginger continues to be appreciated throughout the world as an important cooking spice and is supposed to help the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headaches and even painful menstruation. Ginger stimulates the metabolism by expanding the blood vessels and increasing the internal heat of your body.

Ginger is a weight health loss food. The International Journal of Obesity, in a study to investigate if Ginger could help reduce body fat. From the findings, ginger was discovered to be a Thermogenic food. Ginger provides tissues in the body to use more energy and increase metabolism. Ginger was also found to improve circulation.

People with gallstones should consult a physician before taking ginger. Be sure to tell your doctor if you take ginger, and visit the surgery or placed under anesthesia for a reason any.

Don't take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder, or if you take blood thinned medications, including aspirin.

Cinnamon is an another wonderful food to burn fat and improves the immune system. There are two types of cinnamon sold to the United States today. Cinnamomum zeylanicum nees and cinnamomum cassia (l.) blume. Most of the cinnamon sold in our stores is cinnamomum cassia. Cinnamon, while great in desserts, is also rich in antioxidants inhibit bacteria growth. It can reduce LDL cholesterol, blood glucose and triglyceride levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. This is good news for people with diabetes. I suggest that you sprinkle some cinnamon on your oatmeal or in your hot tea to burn fat and improve your immune system. Using regular cinnamon will shrink your fat ugly abdomen and also reduce your appetite when you take right after the meal.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Treat stretch marks, with a herbal remedy

Most women develop and unwanted stretch marks during pregnancy. This occurs because  of much stretching of the skin, which damages the epidermal surface.

Even after childbirth, scars remain and most women feel disgusted with this. These appear on the abdomen, breast, hip, thigh and buttocks.

Many women are seeking remedies  to remove stretch marks. With modern technology, stretch marks can be removed through surgery . This process is expensive, and the treatment takes 4-5 sessions depending on the epidermis of the skin.

Herbal remedy is the best way, you can choose. The use of herbs can reduce stretch mark until they completely disappear. You can use the other remedy herbal creams on your skin type. There are different types of remedies on the market, but make sure that it is made of plants  without any harmful chemicals.

Make sure that the use of herbs that you bought is genuine. Imitation cream can damage your skin and cause allergies. This herbal cream can be used during and after pregnancy. It has no side effects to you and your body.


These develop in the third trimester of pregnancy.  If you have sensitive skin that you might reconsider using cream herbal remedy for the treatment of these marks during pregnancy as it decreases the skin lesions. This cream regenerates the skin and increases collagen production and in the epidermis to give strength and elasticity of the skin.

Remedy herbal cream is effective in the prevention of these marks and keeps the skin healthy and strong. This cream is easy to use. Rub a little cream in the affected area and on the skin to prevent stretch marks. This herbal remedy is much more affordable than laser surgery.

According to the procedure correct use of the herbal remedy cream will give best results. This herbal remedy is made from natural ingredients with extract of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin d and fruit seeds. It helps to restore the elasticity of the skin.

You can check online on this natural herbal remedy for stretch marks. There are many websites repair to these outlets. For more information, you can seek the advice of professional dermatologist. They can help you on which herbal remedy is suitable for you.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homeopathic remedies - 4 Amazing natural remedies for common diseases

The word homeopathy is from two Greek words: homeos meaning "similar" or "similar" and "pathos or patheia" means suffering. The word means "similar suffering" or mean simply treating as as. Medicines homeopathic natural are part of the system of treatment of this supplementary health and balance where the patient is given very small quantities and few natural substances and non-toxic in larger quantities would be because of the reality the symptoms of the disease itself meaningas the main source of the disease can also bring his cure.

The homeopathic medicines or drugs made at home of natural ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, herbs receive much attention due to its nature of cure: easy, no side effect, without chemical products, good markets, more pleased to treat yourself! For homeopathic medicines, kitchen is a wonderful place and perfect to start. It has almost all types of drugs that you would probably need to treat common conditions.

Here are some homeopathic remedies.

-Homeopathic cold medicines

-Aconitum napellus

This remedy may be indicated in the early stages of a cold, if symptoms are intense and suddenly lit. Exposure to the cold and wind or a stressful or traumatic experience may cause the disease. Symptoms include dry nasal congestion with a hot thin landfill, the tension in the chest, a creaking gorge and choking cough. The person often feel thirst, chilly, anxious and restless.


Sudden onset of a cold - with fever, flushed face and unrest strongly indicates this remedy. Symptoms may include a hot dry feeling in the nose with discharge watery and a nagging tickle in the throat. Is often a hard or nagging cough, bright red throat and throbbing pain in the head or ears. The person may be sensitive to light and drowsiness or wildly with fever.

-Remedies homeopathic cough


This remedy is indicated when a cold goes in the chest and coughing is very painful and dry. The person feels worse with any movement and may  need to press against the chest to keep still. Cough , or the belly hurts and digestion can be upset. The mouth may be dry and the person may be hungry. If someone is very grumpy when he is ill and wants to be left alone, not spoken or disturbed, Bryonia is capable of repair.


A hard dry irritating cough which begins after being exposed to the wind, or after having been excited and angry, may indicate this remedy. The cough is often worse around nine in the evening and may continue into the night. The nervous system is hypersensitive, and the person may be extremely irritable and restless. (Children can even shout and struck, although they often calm down if someone carries the.) This remedy is also useful in asthma attacks, especially those made by anger.

These are some of the homeopathic remedies for common conditions. If symptoms persist, consult a specialist as soon as possible.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Remedies for bones and joints


Remedies for the ailments of the bones and joints:

White willow bark - relieves pain. Many of the headaches, dos, nerve pain, headaches, sore teeth and wounds. Attention: Can interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals when taken internally.

Catnip - leaves: the fever of the controls. AIDS digestion and sleep; relieves stress; stimulates appetite. Good for anxiety, colds and flu, inflammation, pain and stress.

Birch - bark: acts as a diuretic, reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Good for joint pain and urinary tract infections. Applied externally, is good for boils and sores.

Linseed oil - seeds, seeds: promotes the health of bones, nails and teeth, and healthy skin. Useful for colon problems, female disorders and inflammation.

Remedies for migraine pain description head:

St JohnsWort: Leaves, flowers of the stem - can help inhibit viral infections, including HIV and herpes. Good for depression and nerve pain.

Valerian: Rhizomes, roots - improves circulation and acts as a sedative. Reduces mucus of colds. Good for anxiety, fatigue, high blood pressure, insomnia, syndrome of irritable, menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, nervousness, pain, spasms, stress and ulcers.

Lavender flowers: relieves stress and depression and is beneficial for the skin. Good for burns, headaches, psoriasis and skin problems.

Juniper berries: acts as a diuretic, helps to regulate blood sugar levels and relieves congestion and inflammation. Useful in the treatment of asthma, infection of the bladder, retention of fluid, gout, kidney problems, obesity and disorders of the prostate

Friday, March 4, 2011

The 5 top remedies to relieve symptoms of menopause

If you plan to go for hormonal treatment, that would you say to try some remedies to relieve your symptoms of menopause first and see if they help? Rather than go for a drastic option, the use of remedies are relatively more secure because they are natural. There are many remedies that may help treat symptoms of menopause such as night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, loss of memory, depression and sudden mood swings.

Menopause is often called "the change". It is often difficult for many women times as they can meet more than one symptom at the same time. Also, it can get that depressing the possible during menopause weight gain.

Here is a guide for the 5 best remedies to relieve symptoms of menopause:

1 Gingko Biloba Herbal remedy. A very popular plants remedy is Gingko Biloba. It is effective enough to those going through hormonal changes. Herbalists and naturopathic doctors say that this herb can increase and improve blood flow to most tissues and organs in the body. It is recommended by herbalists, postmenopausal women take a capsule of 40 to 80 milligrams 3 times per day. This will also help the if they suffer from the loss of memory.

2 Repair of gattilier herbal. Gattilier is one of the remedies which is often neglected in the difficult treatment of symptoms of menopause. However, it is a secret known to herbalists this herb can have a profound effect on hormones of the body. This is why many traditional herbalists and naturopathic doctors recommend it. They say that this herb can really help to reverse the declining libido and other symptoms that are a common part of menopause, vaginal changes.

3 St. John s Wort herbal remedy. St. John's wort, on the other hand, is a herbaceous plant known to help with anxiety, irritability and mood swings. In fact, it is one of the remedies which is apparently more effective in the treatment of depression than traditional antidepressants. For this reason, herbalists and naturopathic doctors recommend that women with these symptoms should take between 100 and 300 milligrams of St. John's wort 3 times per day. You must be certain that it is standardized for hypercin of 0.3%.

4 Valerian herbal remedy. You will also find hard go to sleep during menopause. There are remedies that are available to help induce relaxation and sleep. Valerian is safe and substitute. It is suggested that women should be between 300 and 500 milligrams of this hour before the bed every night.

5 Lavender herbal remedy. The last of herbal remedies which is recommended for menopausal women is Lavender. It is another way in which you can obtain a peaceful night of rest. This herb can be easily integrated to aromatherapy. All you need to do is drop a few drops of essential oil of lavender on your pillow before going to bed.

Before you try one of these remedies, don't forget to check with your doctor. You want to ensure that herbal remedies to relieve symptoms of menopause interact not negatively with other medications you may be on. Also, doses written in this article is in General only. You should ask your doctor or a herbalist for quantity recommended for your particular case. What is important is that hormone replacement therapy is not the only solution if you are going through a difficult menopause. There are several remedies out there that can help you mitigate the pain!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Acid Reflux remedies


Remedies for Acid Reflux description:

Chamomile: An anti-inflammatory, appetite, digestion, diuretic stimulant.
nerve tonic and sleep aid. Help colitis, diverticulosis, fever, headache and pain.
It is a traditional remedy for stress and anxiety, indigestion and insomnia.

Attention: Should not taken for a long period of time, as this can lead to ragweed
allergy. Should not be taken by those allergic to ragweed.

Peppermint: flower Tops leaves - improves digestion by increasing the acidity of the stomach.
Anesthetizes slightly mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract.
Useful for chills, colic, diarrhea, headache, heart disorders, indigestion, nausea,
and spasms.

Anise - seed - AIDS digestion, clears the mucus of the air passages, helps fight infections
and promotes the production of milk in nursing mothers. Good for indigestion and
respiratory infections such as sinusitis. Also useful for the symptoms of menopause.

Tea for digestive problems

1 oz Chamomile

2/3 oz Peppermint

caraway seed 1 oz

Angelica 2/3 oz

Use 1 teaspoon per cup of hot water mixture. Soak the mixture 10
min. and strain.

This tea soothes gastrointestinal tract and stimulates digestive
activity, making it useful for stomach or a feeling too full

Heartburn tea

1 tbsp Chamomile

1 tbsp Peppermint

2 cloves star anise

Boil the pods for 5 minutes and steep Chamomile and Peppermint in
anise tea. Drink a cup  two hours before bed time .


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It seems incredible that Sinus Infection home remedies can do to your sinuses

You are of those who depend on inhalers, pills and the steroid cream to amortize your sinus infection? Are you concerned also depend on so many inhalers, pills and steroid cream? You are one of those people who suffer from sinus who want to feel well at new?

Then read on as this article is written for you - keep your medication but empower yourself and take responsibility for your sinus infection. Change your diet, your home environment, your working conditions and open your mind to explore and try many sinus infection home remedies of thousands of people suffering from sinus just as you are already running a repair or even cure their sinus infections.

There are several sinus infection home remedies that you can use - repair base of herbs, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, massage and many others. I would like to touch on one of the oldest - sinus infection home remedies herbs.

Using fine herbs goes back to about 60 A.D. when a Greek physician Dioscorides wrote a book about entitled herbs of Materis Medica, used as a reference by many herbalists. He was then revered for hundreds of years by the Middle East and the West .It contain the properties of 600 herbs .

The active ingredients in various types of herbs are beneficial for the treatment of a multitude of medical problems such as a sinus infection.

Here are some sinus infection home remedies that you can try to soothe your sinuses.

1. Garlic

King of all healing plants garlic is one of the remedies "swear only by" nature. It has properties antibacterial and antiviral to treat sinus infection and one of the best sinus infection home remedies to recommend - safe and inexpensive but powerful.

Eat 2 cloves of garlic, 3 times per day for a week and your sinus infection should begin to ease into the weekend. You can eat fresh parsley and tarragon to help reduce the breath of garlic. Be creative in your use of garlic - stir fried garlic in salads or sandwiches - heard talk of bread with garlic.

2  honey - a more pleasant home remedy to try and is said to cure infections of the sinuses. Honey as you know has natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory-all the 'anti' to cure your sinus infection.

3 Powerful echinacea

Echinacea became very famous for its therapeutic properties as a powerful immune booster helps the body to fight bacterial and viral infections as a sinus infection.

Do you dye echinacea - take 2.5 ml of tincture in a glass of mineral water or juice of orange charges for 2-3 times per day. You can buy echinacea tincture at the pharmacy or health store. You must try this flavor of flowers as your sinus infection home remedies.

Herbal supplements

Remedies can be taken in the form of capsule, because they are easier to take, and if the treatment is long term as in the case of infection with sinus you would certainly try capsules. You should be careful in the choice any supplement herbal that you need to buy only those that are made in pharmaceutical GMP compliant facility and use of therapeutic doses. This way you can be sure that the product you want to buy is safe to use.

The mere fact that thousands of people suffering from sinus choose herbal supplements and billions of dollars spent each year on the purchase of these supplements is enough evidence that the herbs are an incredible  home remedy that you can use forever for  its medicinal virtues.

Many allergic disorders as sinuses, asthma, eczema respond well to complementary medicines and when used in conjunction with conventional medications you can heal faster and keep you healthy and most importantly allow you to cut the medicines you take.