Sunday, February 27, 2011

Your healthy living home remedies

Home remedies are  becoming popular .

Home for back pain remedies

· Eating garlic is one of the best remedies to treat back ache and all sorts of pain in the body

· Boil 8 to 10 tulsi leaves in water. Boil until the water is reduced to half of its amount. Let cool and then add a pinch of salt in it. Eat this 3 or 4  table spoons per day. It helps to relieve back pain.

· Guggul, is very effective remedy in treating and avoiding pain.

· Ice is very helpful in reducing pain and inflammation of the affected when area rubbed locally on this area.

· Lots of garlic flake is also very effective in the treatment of back pain and arthritis condition.

Headache home remedies

· Ashwagandha is highly effective in the treatment of headaches as it helps to remove the vata dosha  which is the main cause of pain in the body.

· Brahmi is another herbaceous plant which is also very effective in treating the headaches as it affects directly by releasing spasm in muscles especially in the area of the head. Brahmi is also effective to enhance memory skills.

· Commonly known as pan sheet betel leaf is highly recommended in head pain as analgesic and natural cooling.

· Sunthi powder (dried ginger) is extremely important in the treatment of headaches.

· Ajwain seeds are also very effective in the treatment of headaches.

· A towel soaked in cold water and rubbed on fore head is also very effective remedy by removing headaches.

Obesity home remedies

· Honey with the juice of lime with  hot water is very effective to reduce weight.

· Tomato consumption is also a good another remedy to reduce weight.

· Triphala is an another herbal combination that is very effective to reduce the fat in the body.

· Cabbage is also very useful in weight reduction. Whenever you eat food cabbage should definitely be included in the diet.

· Two tspoon lime in the hot water is also a good remedy to reduce weight.

· Consuming lemon tea is also a good method to reduce weight.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Vitamin D needed

Used to be, a little milk gave you all the vitamin D you needed. Now you'd have to chug a lot of it to get the daily dose suggested by the Institute of Medicine. But many docs say the new guidelines, which rose from 200 international units (IU) to 600 IU, still fall short. "It's a step in the right direction," says Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D., director of the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at the Boston University School of Medicine. "But essentially every tissue in your body needs vitamin D; 600 IU is just too low." The nutrient affects some 2,000 genes and could amp up your immunity to fight off everything from depression to cancer. Plus, many women are D-deficient, says Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D., author of The Power of Vitamin D. Based on new research, you should get 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eczema home remedies

Eczema is the disease of the skin characterized by redness, oozing, cracking and scaling of the skin. Eczema is caused by exposure to extremes of heat, cold and emotional stress. Patients with eczema suffer from itching and burning of the skin, especially at night. Patches may appear on different parts of the body, but mostly occurs on the hands, feet, ears and legs. One may have eczema at any age irrespective of gender. Eczema can also cause by local irritation of chemical, thermal and mechanical agents patients who are hypersensitive to any of these factors.

Eczema home remedies

Various drugs available to treat eczema. But some people do not respond to these drugs. For many patients to Eczema home remedies are also available.
Myristica Fragrans and nutmeg paste

2 - 3 times daily application of nutmeg paste in water over the wound is very effective in reducing the patches.

Camphor and powder sandal paste

Camphor powder sandal paste is a welcome cure for eczema. Take equal amount of both mix them, and paste. Apply this paste on the infected area twice a day for a week.

Aloe Vera
Drink Aloe Vera juice and performed gel of Aloe Vera on zone enforcement is also regarded as also beneficial for treating eczema rashes.

Mangoes and musk Melon
Pasta boiled in water and musk melon juice mango are very excellent house for eczema cure. Peel mango boiled in water offshore let cool and then apply this paste over the eruption of eczema for 10-15 days. Similarly application of musk melon patches juice also useful for treating eczema.

Pulp of fruits and vegetables
Regular application of paste some fruits and vegetables to effectively reduce itching, kill germs, also dry wound. These fruits and vegetables include beans raw pumpkin, cranberry juice of finger millet, paste or slices of potatoes and cabbage plain sheet. Strawberry pulp is also used to treat eczema. Apply Strawberry pulp and cover the patch with pure cotton or thick band aid. Strawberry pulp is recommended to use 3-4 times per day for 1 to 2 weeks. These pulp of fruits and vegetables are considered highly effective home for eczema remedies. Others that these pulp is also suggested to wash the wound with a solution of turmeric and boiled Neem leaves in water. Turmeric solution can be prepared by adding 2-3 teaspoons turmeric tea in boiling water at low flame.

Diet cure eczema House
Diet can also act as effective home for eczema cure. Patients with eczema are suggested to use diet rich in vitamins (A, D, E and complex B) and minerals (iron and zinc). Patients are advised to eat fruits and vegetables with calories negative. Fruits and vegetables include carrots, cabbages, root of beet, tomato, apple, papaya, lemon, mango, orange and grape. Use of these fruits and vegetables cleanse the intestine of toxic materials that can cause itching and skin diseases. For patient treatment diet is suggested to use only juice orange and water for 3 to 4 times per day for a week. After a week of patient can take other foods such as milk. When the patient has improved it advises to take diet which includes gram, cereals, vegetables, salads and whole-wheat flour bread. Oily and spicy foods are completely avoided during treatment.

Castor oil
Castor oil is also used to treat eczema. 4-5 drops of oil of castor oil in water or juice is advisable to take the morning without having something. Basically, this is a House Indian remedy.

Honey and vinegar
A table spoon of honey and vinegar mixed with Instant tea is suggested to use 2 times a week effective remedy for eczema.

Easy and quick to Eczema home remedies

Here are some simple and quick remedies for eczema.
"Coconut oil is also effective to clear eczema."
"Sun bath is also useful for treating eczema".
"Water use based paste leaves almond freshly picked during growth stops eczema wound."
"Papaya seeds paste also reduces itching."
"Witch Hazel, it is a very common for treating inflammatory skin disease herb use can also be used to treat eczema.".
"Taking ground basil, a tablespoon of olive oil, garlic cloves two and some salt and peeper.". Mix them all and it spread over patch of eczema. It will also give you relief.
Moisten feet in the mixture of vinegar and hot water with ratios of 1: 4 for 20 minutes twice a day is also a welcome cure for eczema.
"Paste with honey garlic in an equal proportion is also applied on wounds and ends with nylon bandage when going to bed." When to delete own bandage with alcohol do not use water on her.
Fill the bathtub with hot water and add walnut leaves in it. Sitting in this short-lived water is also useful for treating eczema.
"Mix red henna in boiling water until u get mixed it." Allow to cool and spread then on lesions. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash with water. You can repeat this after every 3-4 hours if you required. You can frequently after 3 days if you think that you need.
"Wearing Sandals lace shoes." If you are using socks change you socks daily. Another most important trick is to keep the feet dry. It is suggested that dry your feet with hairdryer.
It is certain to Eczema home remedies. You can use any remedy suitable home for eczema to treat your own eczema. Like all these home remedies are natural and herbal are there any side effect reported with these treatments. But this does not mean that you stop using prescription drugs from the doctor. There is no harm in using these in combination with other medicines home remedies.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Remedies for Constipation - Chinese Style House

These traditional Chinese home for constipation remedies are easy to prepare, safely and effectively. Most of them is made common with natural ingredients, the intestine of lubricating and wetting action. Others are exercises and techniques, you can do to help move your bowels of massage. Tips on eliminating and relieving the main causes of constipation, is also included here

Some of them are adult constipation remedies only, however some may be given to adults and children. Start with a remedy that you feel fits your needs and stick with it for awhile. If you've also done a few dietary changes and lifestyle, as shown below, and it still doesn't work, then try another remedy. Be patient but - bowels blocked, constipés usually take months or years to manifest, so don't expect to reverse your condition overnight!

One remedy: Tea with honey

Add a spoonful of honey and 3 grams of leaves of green tea in a cup of hot water. Wait a few minutes. Drink  hot after meals. Humidifies intestines and release blockages. Particularly suited for constipation in the elderly and constipation after the birth of the child.

Two remedies: honey and  sesame oil

Add a tablespoon of honey and a dash of sesame oil to a cup of hot water. Stir well. Repeat every morning before breakfast. Humidifies intestines and release blockages. Particularly suitable for habitual constipation with dry stools.

Three relief: Sweet Mulberry drink

Bring two bowls of water to boil. Add 60 grams of fresh, ripe, dark Mulberry. Continue to boil till a bowl of liquid is left. Sweeten and strain . Frequent drinking helps. Suitable for adults and children.

Four remedy: drink molasses

Add two tablespoons molasses toa glass of warm water and mix. Drink twice a day. One of the  most reliable  home remedies for constipation. For adults and children - children give one spoonful of molasses  instead of two.

Five repair: banana and fig Smoothie .

Not really a traditional Chinese home remedy in case of constipation but effective and highly nutritious anyway. Put 2 or 3 fresh figs or dates, very ripe banana, a spoon of honey or molasses and a cup of water in a blender. Mix well and drink once a day or two. Suitable for adults and children.

Repair Six: Senna leaf tea

1 - 3 Grams of Senna leaves in a cup and add hot water. Let steep for several minutes before drinking. One of the most powerful natural constipation home remedies. Good for hard stools with signs of heat in the body, for example a red face, feeling hot, bad breath, dark yellow urine. Senna leaf is a  strong laxative  and not recommended for use in the long term, however, or during pregnancy or menstruation, or by those who are weak of a disease or constitutionally low.

Seven repair: spinach soup

Make a simple spinach soup with water and add a little salt. Another mild but effective home remedy to relieve constipation - soothes and stimulates your bowels. Alternatively, you can add  carrot soup to stimulate and soothe your bowels. Suitable for adults and children.

As mentioned above, in addition to some home remedies to relieve constipation try to identify and eliminate the cause of your constipation. Diet is usually the primary cause, i.e. excessive eating nutritionally dead  food as white bread, cakes, cookies, pastries, candy, baked food, cooked meats and  pasteurized milk, dairy products which all do little more that clog up your colon. The closer to your food in its natural state, the better for you and your colon!

Emotional stress is another cause of constipation. Acupressure and breathing exercises are ways ,simple but very effective, to deal with stress, anxiety, nervousness and anxiety and negative emotions.

In addition, your body loves regularity, so you should try to eat at the same times and  sit on the toilet every morning at the same time regardless of whether if you feel you need to go.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Home gout cures: 6 things you can do it now!

Gout attacks can be initiated by eating too many foods such as liver, kidneys, meat and highly processed  refined carbohydrates. It often strikes males, especially those who are overweight and drink alcohol heavily. This condition usually strikes the foot, especially the big toe, but it can also settle in  the wrist, knee or the elbow.Start eating more cherries, strawberries and blueberries. Prevent by preparing a daily smoothie  of strawberries and cherries each morning. Juice also works. There are compounds in these fruits that reduce uric acid. 

In order to reduce uric acid , the cause of gout, you need  to start to drink more water. If you drink coffee, or alcohol or you are on a diuretic for hypertension you must  increase your daily intake of water to dilute the uric acid. Coffee and other things mentioned causes the body to  build up  uric acid in the body. 

 Fish oil Omega-3 can be helpfu  to a multitude of common diseases. To reduce or perhaps even eliminate attacks of gout, one home remedy is to eat fish from cold seawater at least 3 times per week. Fish such as mackerel, and tuna from Alaska and flax seed oil is good sources of Omega-3. Celery is also one useful folk remedy against gout and has an 800-year history of helping this condition. Recent evidence has come to light that this ancient remedy can help to reduce gout attacks. Try to add 4 stalks a day in your diet, or you can try celery seed extract in your  food . 

 Another natural cure for gout start to eat more pineapple. Bromelain is an enzyme in pineapple that reduces inflammation. diet 3 - 4 times per weektry adding peppers to your diet, because a natural component of peppers reduces pain, which makes a good addition to gout home remedies.

Weight loss may help reduce attacks, but tthose wit gout should not lose weight too quickly as to do so imay cause the body to increase uric acid.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The never ending treasure home remedies

Most of allopathic treatment options is very expensive and often result in disastrous consequences due to side effects. In such a situation, home remedies provide you safe and effective treatment options. While emergency situations cannot be managed through the options available at home, some problems including minor diseases could be well treated with the help of home remedies.

For example, complications such as blood pressure and digestive disorders have many home remedies. Patients with blood pressure problems can control  the disease successfully. Dietary restrictions in consonance with certain herbs can actually cure blood pressure permanently without giving way to side-effects.

Obesity and high cholesterol problems also have natural remedies that may be used at home. Most of these  natural solutions are  normal ingredients in your diet and are available in your kitchen. Skin problems such as acne and eczema could be effectively remedied by certain herbs and products that are usually found in a kitchen.

Most important benefit of these home remedies is no side effect. As a result, more and more people are inclined towards home remedies for minor disorders. Also, there are some serious complications that are better controlled by measurements corrective home as allopathic drugs. For example a high cholesterol level could be controlled by dietary measures and herbs in a manner much safer than synthetic drugs.

Constipation has many home remedies. Raisins and Apple juice may be used to treat constipation. Mulberry and oat milk are other solutions home to constipation.

Home remedies also offer solution of depression and anxiety. Similarly joints pain or arthritis could be effectively corrected by treatment at home. A mixture of honey and lemon juice is applied on joints to relieve arthritis pain. Even hot turmeric paste could be applied on the joints for the same.

Remedies home so has an endless list. You can search fo what is within your reach. Nevertheless, you should never forget to learn the expected impact of using one of these natural products. Better, make a list of home remedies to treat diseases so that you can use these actions when needed.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home remedies for heartburn - extinguishing the fire

Medical findings revealed that approximately 20% of people - worldwide - are affected by the disease, commonly called heartburn about once a week here. Among those individuals afflicted with the disease of heartburn, there are a considerable number of people who suffer repeatedly with the adverse effects of this condition. With so many suffering with this condition, it is therefore understandable that affected individuals are looking for effective home remedies for heartburn.

Heartburn is often a symptom of the condition gastro esophageal reflux disease also labeled as acid reflux disease. Medical terminology classifies this generally chronic condition i as GERD. The symptoms associated with sufferers of the disease, or GERD, esophageal reflux disease include heartburn; pain in the chest , especially at night;  bad taste in mouth ; cough; hoarseness. sore throat. and wheezing. These afflictions  are symptomatic and associated with accompanying gastro esophageal reflux and encourage sick people to be looking for effective home remedies for heartburn.

As a prelude to treating their affliction with heartburn home remedies, it is recommended that they be diagnosed and evaluated to confirm gastro esophageal reflux disease and heartburn . Gastro esophageal reflux  can  sometimes evolve into considerable complications, which may include conditions such as Barrett's bleeding esophageal, esophagitis, strictures, as well as  the possibility of developing esophageal cancer . Sufferers,  after approval of their respective doctors can move forward towards the search for alternative modes of heartburn home remedies. It is extremely useful to keep a log  as to what foods and drinks trigger the  attacks of heartburn.

Food and beverages that trigger  attacks include alcoholic beverages, black pepper, the soft drinks, chocolate, citrus fruits, citrus juice, coffee, fatty foods, garlic, peppermint, raw, green Mint, spicy food onions and tomatoes.

For the prevention of heartburn, it is recommended that one does not retire to bed after eating. Individuals suffering from heartburn need a period of three to four hoursto ensure that their rthat their system can properly digest the last meal of the day.

Another in a series of preventive home remedies is to eat smaller portions, so as to allow ease in digestion.

One of the preventive medicine home remedies  for chronic heartburn is to change their eating habits. Eat in a more relaxed setting  and allow those concerned  to focus on nutrition, taste and enjoy food and beverage. It is highly recommended to chew at a slower pace for greater digestion.


Top of the list of home remedies is the reduction of stress. Statistics show that chronic sufferers of heartburn lead a fast-paced lifestyle which include stress at work. Such combined stress accelerates the symptoms of heartburn.

For smokers who suffer from heartburn associated remedies it is important to note that smoking weakens the lower part of the esophageal,sphincter which is composed of a group of muscles located in the lower part of the esophagus. When these muscles become tired, it shuts down the esophagus, which, in turn, impedes stomach contained acids from entering into the esophagus.

Among   the variety of home remedies, it has been reported that drinking a quarter cup of the juice of aloe vera 20 minutes before eating a meal with the consumption of marshmallows,  will act as a lining  of the stomach, provided that the afflicted person does not have  diabetes because of the sugar content.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Bad breath home remedies that work!

There are bad breath home remedies! Everyone gets bad
breath, but not everyone wants to use the strong odor
chemical or chemicals glue to fight bad breath. When I
Use a store bought mouth wash it stings in process
and later I have my mouth open, waiting for the
pain to go further, while salivating all over the
floor. Not a pretty sight. Alternative research
methods quickly, I learned there a lot of bad breath home
remedies which have been used for thousands of years. Store
purchased washes are handy, Yes, but the bad breath home
remedies are cheaper, natural and work. And
they are easy to use. Who knew that some
alternatives are as easy as opening your fridge, or
review your plate in a restaurant? The following list is
some of the home remedies proven to combat bad breath
I discovered.

Medicines top seven bad breath home

Bad breath home remedy # 1: herbs

Instead of carrying around breath mints to combat bad breath
After a meal, carry a tin or a bag of herbs such as Mint
(one real), thyme, fennel, cinnamon, aniseed and cloves.
Chew these after meals to fight bad breath.

Bad breath home remedy # 2: soda

You know the baking soda as an ingredient in recipes, however
It is also used in refrigerators and laundry for fight against
odour. Use orally to fight bad breath. Simply add some to
your toothbrush, add a little water, scrub and rinse.

Bad breath home remedy # 3: salt water

Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt. It is also
compensation used to help get rid of sore throat.

Bad breath home remedy # 4: water lemon or lime

Rinse your mouth and gargle a lemon or lime juice
mixed with water

Bad breath home remedy # 5: essential oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants which means that you are.
obtain a high concentration of the benefits of the plant.
Several essential oils have qualities that can combat bad
breath. A home remedy is to add a few drops of tea tree
oil in your toothpaste before brushing.

Wash the mouth, add one drop of oil of myrrh for hot water.

Cure bad breath home # 6: parsley or Mint

When the parsley or Mint is used as a garnish, there is a
reason for this. It is also intended to be eaten to help combat
bad breath of fragrant meals. This House of bad breath cure
has been used for thousands of years.

Bad breath home repair # 7: Apple Cider vinegar

Such an odd smell liquid, vinegar has many uses and
can help cure a number of conditions. Add a bit of
Vinegar from Apple Cider to your water and drink at least
Once a day.

Three common products that do not fight against bad breath

So, what does not work to combat bad breath? In 2002 the
American Academy of Periodontology polled members on
less effective home remedies for bad breath used by their
patients. Here are the top three less effective methods.

Inefficient bad breath remedies House # 1: excessive use

This may actually worsen your bad breath by
contribute to dryness of the mouth.

Inefficient bad breath remedies House # 2: Breath mints

This method of fight against bad breath only mask the problem
and can contribute to tooth decay that creates as bad

Inefficient bad breath remedies House # 3: chewing gum

Gum, breath mints, as is not good for fighting
bad breath because it only hides the smell. A better
an alternative to gum is water as a method to avoid dry

If you are looking for a way to fight bad breath which is
cheap, harmless, giving some of these bad breath
Home use test. You have nothing to lose, but this bad

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home remedies for asthma to prevent asthma attack

When it comes to asthma in remedies be careful on those choose you. If you are looking for cures natural home on the net, be careful and consider each of them to try their yourself, locate the testimony of other asthmatics have symptoms similar to what you may be confronted. Another good tip to remember when attempting to prevent attacks, is trying to cover you nose and mouth when out in the cold air because cold air will likely cause symptoms for you.

In addition, it is a good idea to stay away from dairy milk and cheese, because they can increase the amount of mucus that comes with an attack. Natural home remedies that actually work can be something that is difficult to make your search before attempting any asthma home remedies.

Home natural cures for asthma

There are many natural remedies House there and choose the person that is perfect for you and really works can be a difficult experience, here are a few natural home remedies that could make this experience a little easier. One of the most popular natural home for asthma remedies would be today, honey. Yes, you read that right and regular honey right on your kitchen! It is said that the smell of honey, it can effectively reduce your symptoms.

Many people who suffer from nocturnal asthma know how hard the night hours can be, but vitamin c may very well be the answer. Vitamin c is said to help prevent these symptoms that occur during the night and the early hours of the morning, thus taking vitamin c before bed may reduce some of your night time symptoms. Sometimes out of home remedies there is just nothing better then good old-fashioned fresh air, simply establish outside can help reduce your symptoms of asthma, but be sure avoid dust and cold weather.

Garlic is also considered to be a part of effective asthma natural home remedies group. Another theory popular healing or reduction of symptoms would boil the garlic in milk. It is said to help many asthmatic symptoms. There are also many home remedies involving grapes this may seem a bit strange, but some people swear that it is effective. The theory is you should soak fresh grapes with seeds, water, then place them in a cool place. And then chewing grapes before bed. This helps to prevent symptoms. Yet again, none of these home remedies have been scientifically proven to be true. They are simply home treatments, as others have tried. Some may work while others cannot, it is up to you to decide for yourself if these treatments really work.

Don't forget that if you want to try these, ask your local doctor to see if it will be safe for you to try these home remedies. Never forget that many remedies for asthma home is today a few suggestions by people who have asthma or know someone with asthma. When you search for repairs online, make sure to choose web sites which are legitimate and provide facts about asthma and treatments. Make sure that the home remedies you try are entirely natural. Thus, play smart and wisely when it comes to asthma home remedies.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Healthy eating

Eating vegetables regularly can have many health benefits. They are one of the most natural foods and contain different vitamins, minerals and thousands of other plant chemicals known to provide health benefits. Along with all the many disease reducing benefits, eating vegetables can also help control weight. Being low in calories enables us to eat lots of vegetables without consuming excess energy; the high fibre content also helps fill the stomach faster, limiting the total amount of food consumed. Vegetables are also low in sodium, so they help reduce water gains. Sodium is present in virtually all processed foods; it causes the body to hold water within the interstitial areas of the body. It has been estimated that many average people may be holding up to 5 pounds of additional water caused from a high intake of sodium.
Vegetables act as nutritional power-house to man. It contains vitamins and minerals which are good sources of dietary fibre. They are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories and contain no cholesterol. Vegetables have phytochemicals. This is a group of compounds that may help prevent chronic diseases such as hearth disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
We enjoy a wide variety of vegetables because; different types of vegetables provide different nutrients. For example, asparagus is high in vitamin C and Foliate. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A. And chicory is a good source of calcium, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B-6. Also, eating a variety of colorful vegetables not only ensures that you get more nutrients, but also, helps make your meals and snacks more interesting.
- Look for brightly colored vegetables. The best items have blemish-free surfaces and regular characteristic shapes and sizes.
- Buy only the fresh vegetables you plan to eat within a few days. Long storage time reduces nutrient level and taste.
- Sort through and discard any damaged items. Leaves or greens should be crisp and not wilted.
- Choose in-season vegetables. The closer you are to the growing season, the fresher your produce, and the better it tastes. Enjoy packaged vegetables when out of season.
- Throw away the produce you have kept for too long. Discard vegetables that are moldy or slimy, smell bad, or are past the "best if used by date".
- Store fresh vegetables according to their types. Place root vegetables, such as potatoes, and yams in a cool dark place, store other vegetables in the refrigerator crupper drawer.
- Don't wash vegetables before storing. Make sure all produce is dry before storing.
- To serve; wash vegetables thoroughly to remove dirt and pesticide residue before cooking. If possible, use a small scrub brush to help clean potatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables that have skin before you eat.
- Leave edible peels on vegetables whenever possible. E.g., potatoes.
- Enjoy many vegetables raw. Use quick cooking techniques

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A beginner's Guide to using natural healing methods

The beginners guide to using natural healing methods...the easiest way to heal yourself. Don't think that natural healing is hard or confusing either. It might take a little education, but even after you get done reading this article you will be able to use some form of natural healing.

First of all what are Natural Healing Techniques exactly. They are any one of the following: Acupressure, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Reflexology, Healing Crystals, Homeopathic medicine, Healing Herbs, Home Remedies, and Magnet Therapy and Iridology. There are some other less famous forms of natural healing, but those are the general ways to use alternative cures to heal yourself. you might need a tiny description about what each of the above things mean. Here we go:

Acupressure and Reflexology: Both of these involve applying pressure to certain points on the body. Acupressure refers to points on the body and Reflexology refers to points on the hands and feet. Each of the points are related to other parts of the body. So for example if you a have stomachache you can rub the stomach point on your foot(which is located about 2" below the base of your big toe...bottom of your foot, not top). By just applying pressure, as much as you can take, for a couple minutes you will most of the time relieve the stomach pain.

Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses the power of scents. Even the best of the best doctors don't know the full power of smell and its effect on the brain, but what they do know is that there are great health benefits to aromatherapy. For example, Vicks vapor rub is something everyone has used once and awhile to relieve nasal congestion and it is a perfect example of how scents can change our bodies. Although Vicks vapor rub is safe to use, using Eucalyptus to unblock stuffy nasal pathways is a great natural alternative. Crush up some dried Eucalyptus leaves and pour some boiling water over them in a bowl and then inhale the steam. Keep a towel around your head and bowl so that you don't lose any of the healing steam. After 10 minutes you will feel great.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the art of putting needles in your skin. You can put needles in your body or in your ear. I personally feel that Acupuncture to your ears is one of the best ways to diagnose illnesses or weaknesses with your body...once you discover what is wrong with your body you also can use Acupuncture to heal that problem. By putting a tiny needle in your ear on the liver spot you will heal your liver. The healing happens by way of activating the flow of fresh oxygen rich blood to the liver. But it also activates our body's own natural ability to heal.

Essential Oils: Oils work by either giving off a healing scent, like aromatherapy or by absorbing into the skin. Oils like Lavender oil can be rub on the sides of your forehead(your temples) and it will work both on your powerful scent receptors and by absorption through the skin on one of your bodies reflex points (reflexology) for stress release. If you can't fall asleep at night you should use Lavender Oil and rub it anywhere on your face or neck, enough so you can inhale the healing scent. Fall asleep with it on and you will sleep much more comfortable throughout your entire sleep. The use of Essential oils is a great first step for any one who is just getting into natural healing techniques. They offer so many benefits, way too many to list here, and they are easy to use.

Home Remedies: The name says it all. Anything that is typically found around a home that can be used to heal is considered a home remedy. The use of crushed up Garlic as a means to kill off infections is a great home remedy. Any cuts or wounds on your skin that seem like they are getting infected should be rubbed with crushed up garlic. Leave it on for no more than 10 minutes at a time...but do on and off until the infection is gone. HOW do you know if your cut or wound is getting infected? Usually when you get cut you bleed until it coagulates while drying over with that golden looking goo. While your body heals it should always remain red looking until the new layer of skin has returned fully. Larger cuts or wounds sometimes are prone to getting infected. For the most part the infections are never big, but if left unattended there is a chance that the infection could be dangerous...BUT don't you know about garlic. There are once again too many ways to use home remedies to list here.

Homeopathic Medicine: Homeopathic medicine is amazing. By dissolving a few tiny tablets or pills in your mouth you can absorb healing properties. Belladonna is a homeopathic medicine and it is great to use if you have a fever. It will help reduce the symptoms and help speed recovery. Homeopathy is very easy to learn about and very easy to use. They are like carrying around tic-tacs or something... just pop the recommend dosage and your good. Definitely start learning about homeopathic medicine. Tons of info can be found on the internet or just go into a health found store, find the section for homeopathic medicine and start reading the labels. ALL homeopathic medicine labels tell you what they are for and how many to take. The use very general terms so you will easily find the right one for your needs.

Iridology: AHHH, the study of the Iris. In case you don't remember what your iris is, it is the colored part of your eye, the part the surrounds your pupil(the black dot in the center). By studying your iris you can see the current and future state of your body. Certain parts on the iris relate to areas of your body and organs. Interesting story about the beginning of Iridology, a boy was playing with a bird and accidentally broke one of the birds leg. Since he was practically eye to eye with the bird when it happened he notice a tiny line formed on the birds iris as the break to the leg occurred. He grew up to become the founder of Iridology.

Healing Herbs: Herbs carry healing properties. They are so easy to use. One of the easiest ways to use them is by taking dried herbal leaves, crushing them up and pouring boiling water over it. The boiling water will extract the healing properties. Then you can wait till it cools down or drink it hot. Either way you're good because the healing properties are now found in the water. Boldo tea, is a great drink to have if your stomach is upset. Great for people who eat out a lot and tend to get stomachaches, i.e. spicy or rich foods. Dandelion, yea that plant that probably grows all around you, is a great way to cleanse your blood. You can harvest the green leaves of the Dandelion plant, wash them off and add them to your salad. Great to do for a couple weeks every spring, or anytime you feel the need for cleaner blood.

Healing Crystals: Crystals are products of our earth, minerals and elements. We too are products of this earth so it isn't hard to believe that wearing crystals can help heal. Remember, our bodies can heal through absorption, so by wearing a healing crystal over your body you heal through your skin. But healing crystals work in other ways too; they activate our internal healing abilities.

As you see, there are a lot of ways to use natural healing techniques. We should all use them, especially nowadays. Health care prices are very high, not to mention sometimes it can take a week or more just to get an appointment. That means if you are suffering from an illness you have to suffer for a whole week before you can start a healing process. Well, that is unless you know about natural healing techniques. Now that you know a little bit about a lot of different ways to heal yourself you can start healing while you wait to see the doctor. Probably in most cases by the time your appointment arrives you will be all better. Start learning about it today, so you can start healing yourself tomorrow. I hope this information has been helpful.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Naturally healing with essential oils

More and more people are concerned about safety and side effects of prescription drugs and medicines. And with the collapse of health going - on Congress of United States, and the high cost of health care generally, people are looking for alternative forms of healing. A type of alternative medicine which is gaining in popularity is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is simply healing of diseases naturally using body clean, natural abilities, triggered by the smell of certain chemical compounds contained in the healing plant essential oils.

Essential oils are the essence of a plant, distilled and concentrated. Gasoline can be extracted from the authorization, flowers or even whole plant and turned into oil. These oils are then used as a treatment of various ailments. Oils can be used directly by application on the skin, can be mixed with other carrier oils and transformed into lotions, creams or massage oils, can be taken internally, or can be used with a diffuser to spread the aroma of the plant room.

Some common used for healing essential oils are:

Lavender oil: is it made from the flowers of the plant and is known to have a calming effect. It is a good choice for someone who has difficulty in relaxing or suffers from insomnia. A few drops of oil of lavender placed on a pillow at night can help calm the nerves and make it easier to sleep.

Lemon essential oil: this is what leaves or flowers of the lemon tree. Lemon is known for its cleansing properties and when it is used as skin, it may help to oily skin that helps turn control acne. It can also be used to help relieve headaches.

Ylang Ylang, essential oil: this scented oil has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac to help cure impotence and frigidity. Used in a diffuser in the bedroom, it can trigger romantic fire.

Natural oils are potent agents and as such, they must be treated with care. Keep them out of reach of children and pregnant women or nursing mothers should consult a physician prior to use. However, for the most part, these oils are safe with very few side effects.