Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Acid heartburn healed naturally

If ever a condition was named wrong it is acid heartburn. First ly, the condition is a problem with digestion and has absolutely nothing to do with the heart and secondly, that the burning sensation is caused by acid .You should have digestive acids in the stomach. They are there to continue the process of breaking food which began in the mouth (more precisely the process began on your plate when you cut the manageable pieces supply). The problem is not having acid in the stomach; your stomach is well equipped to deal with acidity. The problem is passing the  acid from the stomach into the esophagus, which is not designed to be in contact with strong acids.
To deal with the acid heartburn naturally you support each part of the process of digestion.
Always, make sure that you chew your food carefully. My grandmother often told me that the stomach has no teeth. Will your stomach appreciate really you deliver well chewed food. Small pieces of food you swallow after chewing is thoroughly mixed with your saliva enzymes and the process of breaking food will have already begun. Take the time to eat. Put down your fork while you chew to slow down your diet. Have you ever noticed how many times you have indigestion after rushing a meal? Your body is giving a very clear message. Eat no more. Your stomach can only do his work if there is a place for food to be mixed with acid. If you over eat your stomach gastric juices begin to enter the esophagus Give your digestive system many fibres. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grain with each meal cereal will ensure that your intestines can work effectively. Only fill your stomach with gas from carbonated beverages. If your stomach is full of gas, it cannot do his work and you will suffer with attacks of stomach Give your digestive system  time to do its work. If you go directly to bed after a meal, it is likely acids will flow out of your stomach, leading to a night time heartburn. There is a similar problem with the implementation of a vigorous exercise after a full meal. Be nice to your stomach and give it some time and it will be kind to you Try to avoid to neutralize stomach acid that supports counter antacid repairs. Your stomach needs acid and will try to produce more. Instead it works with your digestion with remedies such as ginger, fennel, Chamomile and Laurel leaves. These herbs can be transformed into teas that will relieve your indigestion without creating an imbalance in your body Drink plenty of water. Your digestive system needs at each stage. A glass of fresh water is also a great way to get immediate heartburn remedy as it will empty acid back into the stomach.

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