Monday, August 22, 2011

More on magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral for everybody. It is needed to achieve healthy bodily functioning. Magnesium is responsible for over 400 enzyme reactions in your body and is found in your brain, muscles, all of your tissues, and about 60-70% of magnesium is found in your bones. What once occurred plentifully in our diets is now causing a major health problem, with an estimated 68% of the population having magnesium deficiency due to insufficient daily intake. Is it little wonder that we have such a high rate of magnesium deficiency when we look at how our modern lifestyle has evolved? As a society we have a very highly processed diet, which is based around white bread, white flour, dairy products and protein. All of these foods have little to no magnesium content.
So on the one hand our modern diets are lacking in magnesium and on the other hand our lifestyle choices are also responsible for magnesium levels decreasing. When we consume alcohol or caffeine it drains our already low magnesium levels; then add stress to the mix and it's no wonder that such a large percentage of the population have magnesium deficiency. A study has been done of soldiers in combat situations that showed that under high levels of stress, their body's loose huge amounts of magnesium due to the stress they were experiencing. So with this in mind we have to ask - what is our daily stress doing to our magnesium levels?
Now if we take all of the factors; a) diets low in magnesium b) alcohol and caffeine a stable part of most people's diets and c) modern day stress levels at an all time high; is it not very surprising that such a high percentage of people now suffer from a magnesium deficiency.
Signs that you have a magnesium deficiency:
There are many signs that point to magnesium deficiency - let's go through and list some of the major ones:
1 Insomnia
2 Muscle cramps and twitching - including restless leg syndrome
3 Constipation
4 Sensitivity to loud noises
5 Anxious or overly stressed
7 Headaches and migraines
8 Shortness of breath
How magnesium can give you a better night's sleep.
Amongst magnesium's many qualities it has a calming effect on the nervous systems and this can help us to relax.
Magnesium works in combination with the calcium in our bodies to help our muscles relax and in doing so allows us to have a better night's sleep. Without a sufficient amount of magnesium in our system, we can suffer from night time muscle cramps and insomnia. Magnesium has also shown positive results in the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). RLS is a disorder that causes a strong urge to move your legs, particularly when you stop moving or lie down to sleep at night. Magnesium eases anxiety and relaxes muscles and nerves resulting in a better night's sleep.
Fixing our magnesium deficiency
There are five areas that we need to look at in order to increase our levels of magnesium to the minimum daily intake of 300mg or more. If we don't get the recommended daily intake our bodies still need to get the magnesium from somewhere, and we start to extract it from our bones. So it is essential that for good health we maintain a healthy level of magnesium on a daily basis. With magnesium deficiency becoming such a large problem what can we do about it?
1 Changing our diets - By taking some simple measures and increasing the intake of foods high in magnesium we will be on our way to improving our sleeping habits and overall heath. Foods rich in magnesium are green leafy vegetables, some beans, nuts and seeds, and whole unrefined grains.
2 Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake - By cutting down on the amount of caffeine and alcohol we consume we can decrease the amount of magnesium drained from our body on a daily basis
3 Reducing our stress levels - by practicing some relaxation techniques like meditation we can effectively reduce the amount of stress our bodies feel.
4 Supplements - There are many magnesium supplements on the market today these are mainly found in tablet, powder or topical form. The most effective seems to be a magnesium chloride topical spray that is absorbed through your skin, doing this reduces the side effect of an upset stomach which puts a lot of people off taking magnesium orally.
By making some simple changes to our lifestyles we can greatly improve our sleeping habits as well as our overall health. Magnesium has been referred to the miracle mineral and not without good reason as having healthy magnesium levels is essential for our overall good health and longevity

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Magnesium deficiency

Lacking the proper amounts of magnesium in our diets can lead to many other conditions, other than heart disease. A variety of symptoms will and can be attributed to low magnesium intake. A magnesium insufficiency will cause the heart to beat irregularly. This irregularity causes our arteries to become less pliant, causing them to constrict, and the blood pressure will rise. As the pressure rises, blood may start to accumulate in portions of our arteries and a clot may form. Blockage of an artery can of course lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Other signs and symptoms start to develop directly in response to the above scenario, and to other responses due to a reduction in the daily magnesium requirement. The need for magnesium is basic to literally every organ and cell in our body to carry out the normal daily functions. Without enough magnesium, the cells can become irritable and hyper. They can cause hormonal imbalances. This in turn can lead to muscle spasms if this imbalance targets a particular muscle such as the gastrocnemeous (calve) muscle, or any other muscle or group of muscles. Magnesium plays an important role in releasing the energy in the body to make cells and genetic material.
If the lowered magnesium requirements cause the cells in the pancreas to react, the production of insulin may be affected by causing a reduction in the insulin, resulting in a rise of blood sugar and diabetes can be the end result. Magnesium insufficiency and its repercussions do not end here, due to the fact that magnesium literally affects every muscle, bone, nerve, organ, tissue and cell in the body. I can't impress upon you the major impact that magnesium's role will play in the body's daily normal functions.
In my last Newsletter on calcium, I stated how important calcium was for bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis. I also mentioned the importance of the minerals that were necessary in the addition to the calcium. If you load yourself up on calcium and neglect these other minerals you are defeating the purpose and may do you more harm than good. Taking large amounts of calcium tends to leach out magnesium so you must be sure that you are getting an adequate amount of magnesium to offset this process.
The end results in magnesium deficiency are far reaching as you can see. All the conditions spoken of above are only the tip of the iceberg. Many other symptoms can and will usually develop. Irritability, headaches, stress, sleeplessness, pain, is related affects. Having these symptoms for an extended period of time leads to a loss of vigor that can and will affect the quality of your life. The aging process accelerates and you become older than your chronological age.
Here is a condition that is easily preventable. By watching the diet and eating foods that are high in magnesium content, can and will prevent many of the horrific scenarios depicted above. Taking a good supplement can be very helpful in augmenting the diet itself. See that the supplement also contains the trace minerals, manganese and copper. Look for the foods that will "Give you more bang for your buck", that are high in magnesium. For finding these foods, read on in the "Health Hints" below.
Health Hints***
Knowing your daily requirements should be the starting point in making sure you get the magnesium needed in your foods, and knowing what foods and the quantities of magnesium they contain. The recommended daily requirement for men is 420 mg and for women the recommended daily requirement is 320 mg. As stated above, calcium taken without enough magnesium can reduce the body's supply of magnesium. It is best to take calcium in a 2 to 1 ratio to magnesium.
A side affect of taking magnesium for some individuals may be diarrhea. Taking the magnesium in divided doses throughout the day will prevent this side affect. Getting enough magnesium in your foods is the best way to get your minimum daily requirements, however, most of us do not eat the proper foods. Here are some of the foods high in magnesium to add to your diet.
Fortified cereals and breads made from whole-grain. Cereals such as: All Bran, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran, and Wheat Germ, Oat cereals and Cornflakes.
Legumes: Baked beans, Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas.
Nuts and seeds, such as, Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower kernels, Cashews and Pistachio nuts.
Vegetables: that will include the green leafy variety, spinach, white potatoes, broccoli and Avocados.
Seafood: Salmon, Shrimp, Scallops and Oysters.
Also include Tofu and Dates.
Of course not everyone will eat every one the foods mentioned above, but there is enough of a variety to eat a proper diet that will increase your intake of magnesium. It would still be wise to add a supplement to insure that you are getting the required daily minimum.
When taking your supplement, it is best to take it about one half hour before your meal. If you are taking 300 mgs or more daily, it is best to take it in divided doses. Taking it in divided doses throughout the day will prevent the side effect of diarrhea.
There are four different forms of magnesium.
1. Magnesium oxide. When this form is taken, do not use antacids as they will prevent it's
2. Magnesium sulfate: Found in Epsom salt and is used as a laxative.
3. Magnesium chloride: Comes in liquid form and should be diluted, and taken with food.
4.Magnesium citrate: An acidic form that is more easily absorbed.
When using a supplement, use a company with a good reputation. Read the label and check the source of the magnesium and use the guide above to guide you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold or garden marigold, has been used for centuries to heal wounds and skin irritations. Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, antifungal, antiviral, and immunostimulant properties making it useful for disinfecting and treating minor wounds, conjunctivitis, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed  skin, bruises, burns, athlete’s foot, acne, yeast infections, bee stings, diaper rashes, and other minor irritations and infections of the skin. Plus, it stimulates the production of collagen at wound sites to help minimize scarring and assist with stretch marks. This versatile botanical can be incorporated into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, ointments, massage oils, baths, facial steams, tinctures, and teas. It is also gentle enough to use for babies, children, or animals. Internally, gargling with Calendula infused water may ease a sore throat, sores in the mouth, and inflammations in the mouth and throat.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Remedies for Migraines

We would like to share three special tips about migraine headache remedy. None of them involves any prescription over the counter. Those tips are easy to learn, and most importantly, they are really effective.
1. Ginger root
Some sufferers find ginger so useful in treating the pain caused by migraine. All you need was to buy a piece of ginger root in a grocery store, cut them to many 1 inch slices and mix with some type of juice, it is of great use in preventing the migraine.
When a sudden migraine begins, you could grab one of those 1 inch ginger slice and starting chewing it. It is hot in favor but helps easing the pain in the head.
2. Peppermint Oil
This may cost you $10 for a small bottle, but it works for most migraine cases. Only a few drops of peppermint oil could last quite a long time for a normal migraine. You should apply the drops where the migraine occurs, your forehead, neck, etc.
Please do not apply too much near your temple and do not let the oil get anywhere near your eyes.
3. Take a Shower
This was specially offered to those young male migraine sufferers. We have several cases shown that the migraine sufferer chose to take a shower when he feels the migraine is on the way.
You could try 5 minutes of hot bath and then 5 minutes of cold bath, which is believed to have some effects of attention diversion and enhances the blood transfusion

Friday, August 5, 2011

Melatonin-A Natural sleep aid

When you choose to use a melatonin natural sleep aid, you will find that it is non habit forming, so if you're struggling to get sleep due to stress, pain or anxiety, you can safely take melatonin for as long as you need and not suffer from any adverse side effects.
You'll also find that using melatonin won't leave you with any groggy mornings, just a fresh, energized feeling of having gotten a good night of sleep. In addition to being wide awake, you might be excited to find out that you also won't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, because melatonin natural sleep aid will help you to stay asleep all night long.
Plus, when you choose to take a melatonin supplement, you'll find that you can actually improve your sleeplessness over time. This means that you're going to be helping your body to get back on it's own natural sleep cycle, so that over time, you won't even need to use your melatonin natural sleep aid anymore, because your body will be able to get to sleep with no problems at all.
When you're seeking a way to get to sleep that will help you get to sleep, stay asleep and function better every single day, then you should consider choosing to use a natural aid to help your body relax and give you the restful sleep that you really need. There's no reason to suffer through with sleepless nights when you can use a melatonin natural sleep aid