Friday, April 20, 2012

What Is A Tincture?

Throughout the world people are turning to herbal remedies, but many are intimidated by the complex jargon that masks the simplicity of homemade herbal cures. Using herbs to ease common ailments has been around since the beginning of time and the only thing that prevents individuals from utilizing these common home remedies is the medical jargon that disguises simple preparations as something far too complex for the layman to tackle.

Well, that's a lie. If our ancestors could mix up a tincture or infusion, so can you. So I've decided to put together a series of articles on simple herbal preparations that anyone, yes anyone, can make.

What is a Tincture?

A tincture is a solution of herbs in alcohol. Apple cider vinegar may be used in some special preparations. The alcohol dissolves all of the chemical principals of the plant and acts as a preservative for future use.

How is a tincture prepared?

Tinctures in alcohol are made by steeping herbs in rectified spirits or alcohol, by heating herbs and alcohol at various temperatures, or by filtering alcohol through herbs, (similar to the way you brew a pot of coffee, by suspending the herbs in a filter, and the alcohol drips down through the soluble plant material and the herb-saturated alcohol is then used.)

The alcohol used to make a tincture is not rubbing alcohol but a 90 proof spirit, such as vodka, gin or brandy.

Basic Tincture Technique

The easiest way to make a tincture is to steep herbs in vodka, gin, whiskey, or brandy. This way your herbs can be taken internally. Use (1) pint of ninety proof alcohol (as suggested above) with 4 ounces of cut herbs. Allow the herbs and alcohol to steep for 2 weeks. Strain out the herbs, then bottle and label your tincture.

How to use your tincture
Drops of tincture may be added to hot or cold herbal teas for drinking, or may be added to water for external use on compresses. Tinctures can also be added to oils or fats for an instant healing ointment.

Sample Tincture

Comfrey is wonderful example of a healing tincture well worth keeping on hand. Tincture of Comfrey can be added to any compress to treat injuries such as cuts and bruising. It will help to alleviate the pain and promote healing; in fact, its healing ability is nothing short of miraculous.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Herbal Medicines For Sunburn

Sunburn is a very common skin problem. You'll get it with too much exposure in the sun. It is expected with people who love sunbathing in the beach and those whose job requires them to be on the field at all times. There are many ointments and lotions available today that can heal sunburn. But do you know that most of them contain herbs as the primary ingredient? These herbs are very helpful in treating sunburns and other sun-related damages to the skin.

Aloe Vera is an herb that you can use against sunburn. It has soothing properties that allows for a speedy recovery of sunburns. There are many Aloe Vera gels and lotions available at herbal stores and pharmacies today. You can use them on your sun burnt skin. Just read the indications on the label. Take extra care when using these lotions though, as they can be harmful if applied on broken skin. Aloe Vera has effective anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sunburns.

Aside from Aloe Vera, comfrey is also an effective herb for sunburn. Comfrey has allantoin, a natural active ingredient that stimulates skin cell regeneration. Comfrey juices and lotions are widely available these days. You can apply them directly on the skin for best effects. If you can't find any comfrey creams in the market, you can simply get some leaves and stems from a comfrey plant and extract the juice yourself.

Green tea can also help address sunburn. However, this herbal remedy is mostly used on the eyes alone. Cool some green tea bag and then put them in your eyelids as you sleep. Its gentle soothing relief would heal sun burnt eyelids in no time.

St. John's Wort is another effective herb for sunburns. The infused oil or extract of this herb can be applied topically on the skin to help relieve the pain, redness, and inflammation brought about by the sun. Use it regularly to speed up the skin's healing process.

Calendula can be used against sun burn as well. Its anti-inflammatory properties can decrease the redness around the affected areas. Look for ointments that contain calendula. Most of the time, this herb is combined with comfrey and aloe for best effects.

Gotu Kola is another herb effective for sun burnt skin. You simply drink Gotu Kola tea on a regular basis as an internal medication for sunburn. Gotu Kola tincture is known to have the same effects. This herb helps by stimulating the formation of collagen while healing damaged tissues.

Other effective herbal remedies for Sunburn:

o Aloe Vera for Sunburn: Aloe Vera comes from leaves of an aloe plant. Its gel has a soothing effect on a sun burnt skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties to help the skin regenerate faster and helps in restoring its natural state fast. Commercially-prepared Aloe Vera gels are now available in health stores and specialty shops. Just apply it on the affected areas and you should be all set.

o Comfrey Treatment for Sunburn: Comfrey contains allantion. It is a very helpful substance for cell regeneration. To use it for sunburn, just extract the juice or lotion taken from the stems of fresh comfrey leaves. It should give you an instant relief to sunburn.

o Calendula Cure: Calendula works as an anti-inflammatory agent. For people with sun burnt skin, calendula can help decrease the instances of redness and swelling. Just like the others, the extracts of this herb is to be applied topically on the affected areas.

o St. John's Wort Remedy: St. John's Wort is another wonder herb that can ease the pain and swelling associated with sunburn.

There are many St. John's Wort oil and extract available at health stores today. Take a small portion of it and apply on the burnt skin. Your sunburn should heal it in no time.

o Gotu Kola Treatment for Sunburn: Unlike the others, Gotu Kola is best taken orally as an aid to sun burnt skin. Gotu Kola tincture or tea can speed up the healing of the tissues. It works by stimulating the synthesis of collagen in the skin.


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